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Everything posted by dbjunior

  1. dbjunior

    2 15" L7 or 2 15" FI Q

    two totally diffrent setups what are your goals
  2. dbjunior

    port determination

    im guessing this is in an suv due to the size of the box needed for 2 18's. would you be open to a diffrent design. subs up and port back tends to work really good in suvs.
  3. dbjunior

    The wait is almost over.....20.1's

    any pics? will they be strappable? lowest ohm stabillity?
  4. dbjunior

    Dinner is Served

    any idea how much power that caused that. im guessing the signal was really clipped.
  5. dbjunior

    T3 Audio TSS15 Box

    two should be ok but you might get port noise. cut the length of each to 10in long tuning it to 34.2hz
  6. dbjunior

    Big Sundown Build

    can understand not wanting to give up what size or quantity but could you atleast give up if they are sundown subs or is it going to be another companys subs
  7. dbjunior

    What to do with brand new SSD 15's???

    how do you plan on wiring those sub to the amps. i hope your not trying to give 2200wrms each. those power hungry amps will eat your electrical system up.
  8. dbjunior

    T3 Audio TSS15 Box

    both face back
  9. dbjunior

    T3 Audio TSS15 Box

    id say 4cu before displacement tuned to 35hz
  10. dbjunior

    Bigpimpin91's 1988 Ford Bronco II

    id split the port into two ports tune it higher to like 35hz great for music then have a cover for one port for a retune for when you want low lows like 26hz tuning. on the video it seemed like you where unloading a bit on the lows and that kills output a lot.
  11. dbjunior

    Sundown Audio goes Marine

    looks great but all the crome flames looks way to audiobahn
  12. dbjunior

    What would you do with 100k tax free dollars?

    if i had 100k i would buy two decent cars probably 5k-10k a peice a small suv somthing like a rav4 and a sedan probably an accord with a kid on the way i got to think practical i would then pay off all my debt 10k there and finish my project car 87 porsche 944 nothing major just paint new carpets seats some rims about 3-5k then a nice sq system not even sure but it would be about 10k total 2k just for deadening i would also get a nice apartment pay rent in full for a year so i can move out of my moms basement 20k would go to a college fund for the kid and i would then go on a little vacation about 5k the rest would go in the bank
  13. dbjunior

    older 15" BTL parameters?

  14. dbjunior

    4 15 build log

  15. dbjunior

    Logo Design Contest

    i like but a little more definition on pts would be cool
  16. dbjunior

    FI Q and JBL

    low would be sq loud would be spl the bl is a great midgound sub it can still get somewhat low and will get very loud if you were to switch to the bl id make the port 5inw and 26inl
  17. dbjunior

    FI Q and JBL

    a little math and winisd
  18. dbjunior

    FI Q and JBL

    16hx48wx16d with a port 14.5hx4wx24.25l
  19. dbjunior

    FI Q and JBL

    well 2-12's are gonna be the loudest but use the most room and cost the most a 15 will take up a lot of room and and be a little louder than a single 12 the single will use the least amount of room and cost the least it will not be as loud as the others but will still get loud. a recommended enclosure for as single 12 would be 14hx34wx14d with a port 12.5hx3wx33L after displacement comes out to just over 2cu tuned to 30hz a good box for a Q12
  20. dbjunior

    FI Q and JBL

    what type of vehicle is it going in
  21. dbjunior

    FI Q and JBL

    dont use a prefab box with any decent subs you should have a box custom built for a good sub and if that box is ported for two subs its way to small for q's
  22. dbjunior

    FI Q and JBL

    how much room do you have to use and what are your plans sealed ported
  23. dbjunior

    T3 Audio TSS15 Box

    spl comp vise or spl daily
  24. dbjunior


    not trying to be a pain but are the specs going to be posted anytime soon.i know the specs say they are a sealed sub but everyone knows how well they perform ported now they have been out for a while.
  25. dbjunior


    from what ive heard the t/s parameter model it as a sealed sub. but i was wonderin what the bl and mms where of the drivers, the rest was not really important to me thats why i wanted to know the parameters.