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Everything posted by christobear

  1. christobear

    Fi BL 18" Port Design

    this might help it matches pretty close to what danieln_88 was saying. I still don't know where the length is. so if anyone could label my picture above it would help a lot didnt really answer my question. k, so hypothetically, i have a box that is 7ft before any displacement and 5ft after all displacements. do i want to have 112in^2 (7*16) or 80in^2 (5*16) of port area?
  2. christobear

    Sundown vs RF testing

    i never knew that i could get so frustrated with people online. they say their amps are better because they put out more than the manufacturer's rated power, yet they dont want to test it against another amp that puts out similar power. even better, they don't seem to care that their "1000 watt" amp is less efficient than a "1500 watt" amp. holy hell, how ignorant can somebody be? and the best part is, IT DOESNT FREAKIN MATTER!!! i mean, i used to be obsessed with alpine when i first got in the game. then i looked around, heard other porducts, blah blah blah...now i couldnt care less about the brand as long as its a good product that can satisfy my needs!
  3. christobear

    Fi BL 18" Port Design

    quick question, and sorry to thread jack, but when you calculate the area of the port according to the box volume; is that by net volume after port displacement, or is that gross volume of the box?
  4. christobear

    15 vs 18 3cuft vs 5.5cuft

    i would like to hear some opinions as well, im working with about 7 after port/displacement for an 18" (12^2 inches per foot of port) or optimal for a 15" (16^2 per foot of port) help!!!! i really dont knowww!!!
  5. christobear

    Battery Changing

    it'll reset the trip odometer (not life) clock, presets, average gas mileage, top speed, stuff like that if it has it. not a big deal tho
  6. christobear

    nitro audio

    well, really the only thing you are putting in your car that you CANT take out is the deadening HU, speaks, subs, batteries....all of it can be taken back out and replaced with stock. and alot of HU's have removable face plates yea, it is kinda weird putting in a bunch of equipment that rivals the book value of the car itself, but honestly, if that is your concern, you should be saving up for a new car....not audio equipment (i know you aren't im just trying to make a point)
  7. just use 2 bolts as the terminal. one for pos, one for neg. you wont have to worry about the silicon coming loose
  8. christobear

    Vent length

    that's cause you are 12
  9. christobear

    totalled my truck, getting ready for new setup

    check out some LMI seat risers and the boxes they have at supercrewsound might help you get an idea of what you can fit back there i would also suggest reading some threads over on f150online.com, its all about ford over there
  10. christobear

    New AA SMD Woofer

    who the hell would talk chit to you?? love the work you're doin on the Caddy and i can't wait to see what you're going to do with these new beasts!!
  11. christobear


    did he say "pre-facbricated boxes"????? is it just me, or did those boxes seem really small for how freakin big that sub is? if a 15" sub needs about 5 cubes, and an 18 needs about 10 cubes, shouldnt a 22" need like 15 cubes? not to mention like 250sq inches of port or that the sub probably takes up like 2.5 cubes!!! there is no way that box is optimized
  12. christobear

    4 havoc15's, AB500.1, D3100's, Fisher Custom's box

    just bumped it over there. i might have to put that up on my scion forum too
  13. christobear


    here's the thing with gun laws that would deny people the right to own them: the law-abiding people (those using them for personal defense and sport) would give up their guns and not illegally buy new ones however, the criminals would not give up their guns, buy more on the black market, and crim would either remain constant, or increase in violence the criminals wouldnt have to worry about citizens owning guns, but we would still have to worry about the criminals
  14. christobear

    Question about my 15 inch Q

    neither, haha really tho, Hifonics amps are overrated. however im not sure by how much. so maybe lookat at the 1608 and get a watt meter, and be sure to set your gains right or just save up a little more, get a better amp and do the Q some justice
  15. christobear


    im not a racist, far from it.....but are many of Obama's african american supporters? )quick questionnaire for people in harlem) racism isn't always about hating someone for their skin color, it can also be about supporting someone because of their skin color. holy fudge people are so goddam stupid
  16. christobear

    Wall Setup

    can i have one of your BL 18's? haha
  17. christobear

    4 havoc15's, AB500.1, D3100's, Fisher Custom's box

    that is a tight truck, and a sweet picture! do you happen to be on f150online?
  18. christobear

    One loud Trunk

    some pics would be nice
  19. i love it when people are wrong, think they are right, and refuse to consider that they are wrong when EVERYONE ON THE WEBSITE IS TELLING THEM THEY ARE holy crap, you came to this forum and asked for advice. people give you advice and get a little chuckle out of what you think you know. so what. everyone starts off not knowing very much. take the advice that is given, try to learn a little, then shut up
  20. christobear

    18 or 15

    any other input?
  21. christobear

    18 or 15

    i know this subject is beaten to death but this time i actually have some specifics im either buying a BL 15 or 18 this is going into an 09 scion xb (hatchback/crossover) upfiring for the 18 this is probably the box i would build 14 sq inches port per foot about 6.22 volume or 6.5 if i invert the sub or, i could do a 15 and put it into the ideal box, as there is definitely room for one
  22. christobear

    Is 3 12" BLs Better or 3 15" Kicker L7s?

    i would agree, if you're on a budget, i dont think that 1000 watts of headroom should be a high priority good luck getting it all done under 2000
  23. christobear

    18 or 15

    yea, i know a 15 CAN be louder, but given the specs of my potential box what do you think WOULD be louder? hell, if i knew i could make a single 8 louder than an 18 for the same price i would, im not one of those guys that thinks a big sub is gonna make my d!ck look bigger here's a bigger pic i hope assuming this calculator shows net, then yea, its net volume
  24. christobear

    15's & 18's

    but remember that with 3 subs, you will have an odd number load on your amp, with 4 subs it will probably be easier to find a suitable amp/s
  25. christobear

    Cda-9884 issue PLEASE HELP

    nvmnd, i didnt read everything you wrote