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About idlewild

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  • Birthday 01/11/1978

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    ontario, canada
  • Interests
    Cars,my daughter,video games
  1. That deck doesn't have a pico fuse. It's only in the avic series(video and nav) units. Check your RCA's fortheir install location. Are they near a power source? Are they good equality shielded RCA?. Try running them outside the car and test. If the wine goes away you know it's the RCA
  2. idlewild

    making room for baby!

    Thanks!yeah changing the orintation of the sub made for more useable space along with the new box being almost 4" shallower than the old one. Putting the amps in the floor also allows me to remove the sub box when needed to regain full use of the trunk(wife's orders!).
  3. idlewild

    making room for baby!

    This was my original set up. The box was 1.6cuft plus port and tuned to 33Hz. The piece on the right was my amp rack. One problem though with a baby on the way, I need room for the car seat and stroller and I also need to be able to remove the sub for extra space with out loosing all my music! So i built something a little different Counter sunk sub cut out using 3/4" MDF sandwhiched with 1/2" MDF Metal grill insert to allow heat to disapate. The amps have been moved into a false floor to free up more space The new box is 2.6 cuft tuned to 33Hz and goes stupid low! It's not finished yet, got some finishing touches left but i think you get the picture. Any suggestions or comments are valuable, so feel free!
  4. idlewild


    i got one as well from http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...03&MID=8371 it says he's banned already
  5. idlewild

    2 Fi SSD 12s Vs. 2 Kicker CVX 12s

    i've got a fully loaded SSD and it's not even getting full power and I've heard the cvr on their rated power and it's not even a contest. The SSD is hands down a better sub.
  6. just buy an alpine it will crush that clarion, besides the clarion decks are ugly as sin!
  7. ditch the bazooka we had some at work and they do not perform. Period. The last time I saw some one buy something like that the amp was used and lasted for about a day. If it sounds to good to be true it probably is. I heard nothing but good news about the sundowns a buddy is getting some for his BTL's
  8. idlewild

    matching frontstage to substage

    you should take a look at my setup it's in my sig. My sub set up is very similar to yours, my front stage only becomes a little washed out at very high volumes. For those that have sigs turned off here! -Alpine CDA-9885 -MB Quart rce 216 in front -Infinity Kappa 62.7 in the rear -MTX TC4001 -MTX MXA6001 -12" FI SSD in 2.6 cu.ft +port tuned to 33Hz -139.3 db on a TL @ 38Hz at dash(legal) -138.1 db with music on a TL at dash(legal)Church Heathen-Shaggy -Stinger digital cap, stock alt, stinger battery(sp51) It's a fairly buget daily driver and most of the stuff is easy to find. Accept maybe for the MB's as I can't get them in canada anymore.Going to a component will greatly help your effort.
  9. idlewild

    Single 8" box build

    did you take any other build pics?
  10. idlewild

    Me again.. input voltage

    To use an oscilloscope, he would have to find one then find someone who knows how to use it! Not very easy where I live any ways.
  11. Power akustic is bad very bad. If you're go the market for a touch screen stick with pioneer panasonic alpine. Of course budget is a factor
  12. idlewild

    a/v receivers

    You can get a entry level harmon kardon for about 300 dollars. Lots of power. Each channel has its own amplifier. I have one and couldn't be happier
  13. idlewild

    Amp settings FI SSD12

    the sub sonic filter is more for a ported box. It filters out frequencies below the port tuning to prevent damage to the sub. Since you have a sealed box not so much a big deal for you. As for the cross over that's up to you
  14. idlewild

    Me again.. input voltage

    the length or quality of the RCA does nothing for the input voltage .As far as the 9887 if you're talking about the alpine you can never go wrong with one
  15. idlewild

    Me again.. input voltage

    you might be ok but i've seen problems with the eclipse decks where i work. it seems to burn out some amplifiers that say they will take a 6 volt input. They put those numbers there for a reason.