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Everything posted by nutxo

  1. nutxo

    ALphasonic/ US Acoustics question

    I dunno. Ive run these before and had no issues with fuses popping bridged
  2. nutxo

    US Acoustics

    Yes, the dark grey heat sink models with the black and red logo in the middle. i have a usa4050 right now bridged on my alumapro components, still passive. have a usa4080 on the way, going to bridge the 4050 to a pair of creative sdx7 8 ohm mids and use the 4080 for dayton reference mids/tweets in the a-pillars. that 4050 gets pretty damned hot to the touch bridged on my components, is this normal? thinking about picking up a second 4080 so it will maybe run more efficient and cooler. i LOVE the sound of it. with my crossfire vr602 i always had a little bit of feedback, really low hissing i could hear with the deck turned all the way down. its dead silent now, no ground change or anything, just swapped amps. Some have been known to get a little hot, so no big deal. Mine did get hot after long drives and hard use. I keep my eyes out for them from time to time on ebay. Seem to always get out bid at the last minute. Was able to snatch up a 6 channel cousin in the mean time. IMHO the zed US Acoustics are pretty damn good. Nice and clean and do rated power if not a little more. I run a 4050 and 2 2150s. The only reason Im changing is power and space.