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Everything posted by nutxo

  1. thats my video from 2 years ago. I was just looking for a smaller box. If I want to run a box that size I have a set of AB vfl10's in the guest room :-) BTW. 175 for those local in brand new condition :-p
  2. Why not port the Dcon first? I agree. That DCON will surprise you in a ported enclosure. Why not port the Dcon first? I agree. That DCON will surprise you in a ported enclosure. omg,,,,,,,,,,,,
  3. lol, define gobs. The site says 750 ( I could have sworn it was 600 )
  4. Thanks man. Whats a good amount of power? Like 600 watts?
  5. nutxo

    a ab xfl10s

    Its a pretty small box. With the 4 inch centered Im so close to the port I have a little bit of unloading and I cant seem to get enough port area according to the tuning calculator. A 6 inch port would need to be 30 inches long and my box is 14 inches deep. Running off the side shouldnt make to much difference I dont think. It should still be plenty loud off what Im running for daily.
  6. nutxo

    a ab xfl10s

    I want my subs to face up with the port up like one of my previous boxes. I cant seem to get a lot of input and like Ive said previously the pro designers dotn wanna mess with a camaro enclosure. Assuming ive done my math correctly does this look like a suitable enclosure? I just started using sketchup so I have figured everything out so nothings 45'ed or anything.
  7. nutxo

    a ab xfl10s

    I was gonna build this but people said I might have unloading issues
  8. I keep getting stuck on the hole part. I push pull to the backside and the hole doesnt gte created. I just see the hole on the backside .
  9. nutxo


    I bought a fake amp once. Funny stuff.
  10. nutxo

    old 90{90,91,92} volcano amp?????

    Looks like a zed knock off like earthquakes.
  11. Check this baby out http://i249.photobuc...xo/HPIM6337.jpg
  12. nutxo

    Check this old school beauty out

    I'm thinking like 94
  13. nutxo

    How did you guys find SSA???

    I wanted an Icon but got the dcon instead I think.
  14. nutxo

    Check this old school beauty out

    I havent paid for it. The store reciept says like 450 if I could find it.
  15. nutxo

    Check this old school beauty out

    I cant wait to get it in the car maybe. Im not sure if my comps can handle it though :-p
  16. Now I gott figure out the volune but my wierd ass box isnt liek any of the calulators boxes
  17. lol. I see it maybe ,.. Its under the rcas on the left hand side. Its covered. On the other side, not end, it says us acoustics. It would say it on the board as well I think.
  18. nutxo

    So I built my box,.....

    17.75. Sorry. I was trying to write it out all quickly so you wouldnt have to wait. OH CRAP<> THANKS MAN :-)
  19. nutxo

    So I built my box,.....

    yeh, thats how I came up with 3.8. I ws gonan do 4 then I talked to the vendor and he said 2. I called the guy at AB and he said between 2 and 4...
  20. nutxo

    So I built my box,.....

    Aeroports pal. Slot ports are new school
  21. nutxo

    So I built my box,.....

    its not to scale but the measurements are right . Wood thickness has already been subtracted,
  22. nutxo

    So I built my box,.....

    Ill draw it out for you. Give me a few. Its not like a cube or anything simple. I had to divide it into 2 rectangular boxes and one wedge to make it work.
  23. nutxo

    So I built my box,.....

    omfg. I cut as I built trying to get as much room as I could. I think I figured it out right and somehow I got 3.888 in a 95 camaro trunk...