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Everything posted by bristabrock

  1. bristabrock

    ~~ SSA Protoype super8 ~~

    cant wait to throw out my center console to fit one =-)
  2. bristabrock

    i have a problem

    old school audiobahn immortal 18, just keepin it till i can afford my nightshades =-), or an x-con
  3. bristabrock

    i have a problem

    no the actual screw isnt stripped its the head of the screw that is completely stripped out
  4. bristabrock

    Project Land Rover

    haha building the boxes isnt the hard part, its making it look so perfect like that
  5. bristabrock

    Sad, sad day

    nice box, i like the way you did the ports, any pics of the ports from inside the box, i might have to do mine the same way, all the way across (57") would probably be a little much =-)
  6. bristabrock

    Very pissed, just got power back

    ouch, got the same problems over here too, but from gustav
  7. bristabrock

    do you like my truck?

    haha yea, but by the way they have a guy around here with a black one, all clear lights, billet grille, some 305 buckshots, and a 4" suspension lift, looks extremely badd a** ill try to get some pictures of it
  8. bristabrock

    3.5 @ 32 hz- Flared Port

    haha i understand, but the box is beautiful by the way
  9. bristabrock

    do you like my truck?

    i do, but im a ford man =-) it would be way better if it was the fx series though, and without the back glass thing, not too big into those
  10. bristabrock

    do you like my truck?

    need to slap you a suspension lift and some boggers on it, that what 4x4 is for lol
  11. bristabrock

    3.5 @ 32 hz- Flared Port

    or just some tutorial videos would even be cool, especially on flared ports, i really want to learn that
  12. bristabrock

    What do you think about this setup?

    yea, well as soon as you get that amp and play with it tell me what you think about it, ill prtolly get the same thing and then upgrade my crappy audiobahn 18 to a xcon if they come out by that time or a mach 5 or btl or something
  13. bristabrock

    What do you think about this setup?

    the bp option adds another 200-500 rms to the sub i dont believe it takes anything away, but unless your chasing numbers the little extra power wont really make a audible difference
  14. bristabrock

    Got my First ticket...

    yea alot of cops are actually pretty cool, the last day my friend went to school last year we left in his bronco and went through the ditch out the student parking lot and the cop pulled us over and told us to try it in 2 wheel drive next time, but one pulled another friend and me over and he told my friend he should put his foot in his throat for smoking a cigarrete while i was in the vehicle? but evenually that cop got fired for harrassing other people the way he did us
  15. bristabrock

    lincolns....... all big jons,...

    haha, dam i should have got the tc then lol
  16. bristabrock

    Got my First ticket...

    yea but ive seen some people from around here where there exaust is way louder then just about most sound systems
  17. bristabrock

    king of bass

  18. bristabrock

    Howdy from Socal!

  19. bristabrock

    Got my First ticket...

    how loud does a vehicle have to be to get pulled over? exaust wise i mean
  20. bristabrock

    2000 Watts enough for Fi Q 18

    yea i figured that, kinda off subject but how much more watts would it take for someone to beable to tell a distinct difference?
  21. bristabrock

    2000 Watts enough for Fi Q 18

    oo, thats still pretty good though
  22. bristabrock

    lincolns....... all big jons,...

    haha gangsta, i had a choice of a 96 TC or my crap on wheels 89 ranger =-(, got the ranger for 4 wheel drive so i can use it for huntin and break stuff in the mud, and kuz i have to hawl 4-wheelers and band equipment all the time, wish i could have stuck with the TC
  23. bristabrock

    2000 Watts enough for Fi Q 18

    wow, i didnt think it can add that much more power handlind, thats pretty crazy
  24. bristabrock

    db drive subs?

    not very high and his budget is about 600 for speakers amp and a box to go under his seat, his boss also swears by them but i dont think of him as being too bright, he says that they will sound as good as any other 10 that you would put in the box =-(, of course that is completly wrong, even i know that lol