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Everything posted by bristabrock

  1. bristabrock

    messing with "the pros"

    so i see alot of people like to mess with all the "professionals" at audio shops and such, so please, share your stories
  2. bristabrock

    Welcome to the IHoP

    haha, wow
  3. bristabrock

    Welcome to the IHoP

    electric, hes from a metal band called Nevermore so its kinda heavy i guess, but i know most people who arent into that kinda music is because of the vocals, BUT THERES NONE! o by the way, the cd just came out today but if you just want to check it out they already have the entire album on youtube
  4. bristabrock

    Welcome to the IHoP

    well i just noticed that my answer to that quote accidently went into the quote itself, but anyways you should check out Jeff Loomis' new solo cd, 'Zero Order Phase', its all instrumental and all based on the guitar, but regardless if you play or not, its pretty amazing, you should try it
  5. bristabrock

    Welcome to the IHoP

  6. bristabrock

    Logo Design Contest

    very nice, i really like the ones with the squigly line under them, my favorite so far, especially the top one
  7. bristabrock

    this guy claims to doing 169.3 db

    Other than the doors, I'd say it's incredibly tacky. Bigjon's is infinitely cleaner. i just REALLY like the way the front end looks, more like a sportscar in a way
  8. bristabrock

    BTL 18 Build Log

    haha, almost lost the hat their i see
  9. bristabrock

    Welcome to the IHoP

    theres no such thing as a scary movie, its more like, "hey lets see how nasty we can make everything be" now-a-days, better off watching all the old scary movies, when they were actually scary
  10. bristabrock

    this guy claims to doing 169.3 db

    wow, i think thats the cleanest lincoln ive ever seen (no offense), you should do the suicides
  11. bristabrock

    Welcome to the IHoP

    i wish i could have one, or 12, but i got work in a few minutes =-(, and its cutting trees with a chainsaw, so that REALLY wouldnt be a good idea
  12. bristabrock

    Welcome to the IHoP

    only if its NOT Coors or Miller
  13. bristabrock

    My gig

    well im glad to hear its not too bad
  14. bristabrock

    mini cooper wall thread, version 2

    THE most bad ass mini cooper ive ever seen, ide even proudly drive that one around, and thats saying alot
  15. bristabrock

    What would you do with 100k tax free dollars?

    yea, that probably was a pretty bad move
  16. bristabrock

    Welcome to the IHoP

    ive got a good bit of that in =-) especially with the shotty
  17. bristabrock

    Welcome to the IHoP

    very good point, maybe i should invest in something bigger eventually, but i still love the thing
  18. bristabrock

    Welcome to the IHoP

    well not only people, i plan on carrieng it when i got to hunt as a "really bad situation" kinda thing, like a deer get up and try to attack me, or some stupid thing like that, but for people and protection, its all good, the head is a perfect round target, like i said before "dead men tell no tails", they cant testify saying that my life wasnt in danger, its my word and my word only
  19. bristabrock

    Welcome to the IHoP

    they are alot smaller, but i just love the old look to hit, with the long barrel, and it kicks like a mother!, but its defidently gauenteed to knock just about anything down
  20. bristabrock

    Welcome to the IHoP

    357 magnum revolver =-) trust me, nothing is going to keep coming after that, and dead men tell no tails
  21. bristabrock

    What would you do with 100k tax free dollars?

    yea but now its gettin really close to the braking point, but whats the deal with the question anyways? ide put mine in a safe at my house, screw the banks, they are all going down anyways
  22. bristabrock

    I haz teh boxors... they waz left on teh step..

    Actually, hopefully a box of better grammar! hopefully, i cant understand what the title even says
  23. bristabrock

    What would you do with 100k tax free dollars?

    yea, so much for being one of the most prosperus counties in the world huh?
  24. bristabrock

    What would you do with 100k tax free dollars?

    haha, i dont even want to go to work anymore after that statement, almost seems pointless lol
  25. bristabrock

    Welcome to the IHoP

    my friend has a polaris, and another an arctic cat, both extremely heavy, but have alot of power, and theres are so much faster, but when it comes to the mud, our rancher 420 and foreman 500 always prevails =-)