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Everything posted by meccalli

  1. meccalli

    Midrange/Midbass enclosure help.

    Thanks for the suggestions guys, first time doing an actual 2 way and my fullranges won't cut it for ht. So i guess i should go that route as i did with my fullranges..plans, makes sense. Oh hey soundstream lol.
  2. meccalli

    Midrange/Midbass enclosure help.

    So guys, i'm frustrated with my system to a certain degree, i currently have my mains as a cerwin vega e-312 pair...they're ok but the enclosure is mostly sub -tiny midrange and a tweeter. It feels like my entire ht is subsonic lol- coupled with the 2 15's subwoofers covering the lfe channel. I want more midrange and midbass particularly for music - i want to hear actual bass timbre from a guitar like a cab. I'm thinking about the eminence beta 8a's which are readily available in my country. I wanna pair em with a soft dome-dayton probably -crossed at 3k maybe. I'm not sure how to model this, I've thrown it into winisd and i'm not too sure if i trust it. But any enclosure recommendations for a project like this. I'm gonna start off with mains and eventually make all of em identical for each channel for my ht. Music is priority however.
  3. meccalli

    Midrange/Midbass enclosure help.

    ahh, i hear you. I've seen guys say how they've used em but not so much build logs/plans. I'll probably take a look around on diyaudio. i actually meant crossing the dayton tweet at 3k. I'd want to cover the 60 - 3k range with the 8. I'll be powering em with my kenwood vr-60 rs receiver.
  4. meccalli

    Avalanche - Havoc

    I think i can feel the air pressure already lol.
  5. meccalli

    Avalanche - Havoc

    Hey, guys. I'm getting a 15 avalanche d2 to buy. I know they're legends but i was wondering how do they compare to havocs?. I have a 12 havoc already and its excellent. I'm wondering if its an upgrade or what. This for musical/ht use in house.
  6. meccalli

    Avalanche - Havoc

    Nice, whats the specs on that enclosure? I'm planning an llt(large, low tuned) config for mine.
  7. meccalli

    Avalanche - Havoc

    Thank you! the havoc will go in the car then.
  8. meccalli

    all fi bl owners

    hey all bl owners...this is my first post on ssa...umm...all owners of fi bls...please state your views on the bls overall performance and your personal listening experience with them.
  9. Hey guys i was looking around on ebay and i saw this little gem MKll Version Tripath TA2020 PCB 25w CLass-T amplifier - eBay (item 250628158856 end time Jun-05-10 08:20:12 PDT) What i wondering is that this set doesn't come with any instructions and it doesn't specify exactly what cables it comes with. i want to know what will i need to be able to run this setup. i have a pc power supply that i use to power a pioneer cd player, i was hoping that could work? and if anything that i need , please let me know thank you Brandon. Read more: TA2020 chip amp - Home Theater Forum and Systems - HomeTheaterShack.com
  10. meccalli


    Hmm.. i see you keep track of things over at HTS lol...umm nope, never measured em, theyre low output single coils though so i've decided not to bother with the guitar amp and stick to my marshall mg15. however this will have an input from my audigy zs from a 3.5 to rca stereo cable so i believe that the output from that should be sufficient. and yeah i guess my PSU shld be able to run this. but um you think they're any built systems around this price that perform similarly, i was opting for this since its rated as one of the best on ebay and i could mount it on my enclosure of choice..im going for a piece of maple to mount it on.
  11. meccalli


    LMao seriously..beatle........... wow nothing intended but wow...thats really dumb.. i still say F i but this reminds me one time i walked into a shop over here in trinidad..*shams electronics* i was checking out a pair of eminence mids they had on the shelf..so i was like..whats the impedance >?... he's like umm u mean the independence ??..thas 8 for god's sake u work in an audio shop....i had the best laugh for that day there...
  12. meccalli

    what do you about the u-control?

    hmmnn..thanks..now i can further investigate.....maybe the guys on hts might have experience with it..thanks again.
  13. meccalli

    what do you about the u-control?

    hi i was wondering if the behringer u-control http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000KW2YE...;pf_rd_i=507846 can be used as a d/a converter to listen to audio files from my pc to my receiver thanks.
  14. I'm not sure.....and um...i used a jigsaw so there a some minor gaps ..what type of silicon do i use..thanks..
  15. the box is 30 x 16 x 13 cm
  16. just normal 1/2 inch mdf
  17. meccalli

    From: Your Favorite show off Songs!

    your'e aware this is the sq thread right?...
  18. meccalli

    Your Favorite show off Songs!

    i just had to put this in after listening to it...Iron Maiden-blood on the world's hands , The X-Factor....my my...how much i love the sound of it...up the irons!!!
  19. meccalli

    Loss of sound??? ANy help

    note *bottoming out...i think the pop may have been a split second collision with the former and back plate..this is the sounds of speakers getting killed **.about your amp settings you should check out the tutorial on the amps and electrical section on this forum..ther's a sticky at the top of how to set your gains with a dmm...then your'e gnna need to know how to set your ssf(subsonic filter) i personally dont use one and ive been quite fine for a year and half with a 10 l7..umm if i can remember correctly you simply set your ssf to a slightly lower freq as of your box tuning this ensures frequencies under your port's range wont play at full tilt causing the woofer to react in a free air situation.
  20. meccalli

    Loss of sound??? ANy help

    orr..they cracked a leak in ur box... ...inspect , fix , enjoy..lol
  21. meccalli

    Loss of sound??? ANy help

    pop......maybe a bad ssf setting...or u clipped the hell out of the amp maybe causing a huge surge..the btls probably didnt die cuz they can take it..maybe burnt the coil a bit..idk..i had a logitech once that i clipped and the former got black it played normal at low levels and as vol got higher it distorts crazy under controlled wattage ..u should examine them out of the box
  22. meccalli

    amp option

    yeah well..i dont mind either but uh which has the better power and how good do you think it'll run the Q's?
  23. meccalli

    amp option

    well..i saw alot of guys using behringer's ep 2500 for powering dual Q 18's(my plan) in setups over on hts forum..however..i know that the behringer doesnt put out 2500 rms maybe somewhere around 1000 so i was thinking ..maybe the dayton plate amp might do a better job and give me a little extra features...any ideas or opinions??all is welcomed..thanks
  24. meccalli

    amp option
