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Everything posted by meccalli

  1. meccalli

    Hi-Res Fi Image?

    yea still post it..i want a fi wallpaper!1XD
  2. meccalli

    FI BL 15

    the dual 1 and dual 2 are just the coils impedance .they are different in that they can be wired differently to a specific load to be matched with an amplifier..d1 can be either @ .5ohm or 2 ohm...the dual 2 can be wired @ 1ohm or 4 ohms depending whether they are wired in series or parallel ..on fi's site there are differences in the t/s parameters due to testing with the coils but as nick said its a negligible difference that wont affect sound nor power performance.
  3. meccalli


    in order to get my subs to trinidad..i was gonna ship them to trinidad but it would cost 100 on each sub or i was gnna ship to my cuzins in ny and them let them ship it to me..............either way.a lot of traveling and im guessin a hella lot of bumps along the way.......can the subs take it or does the packaging take care of it.......is it in a wooden crate cause i never saw in any pics??help much appreciated.
  4. meccalli


    i stuffed clothes around my 2 10 l7's in a suitcase to bring them home on my first trip to the U.S ..lol
  5. meccalli


    oh ok...so they can custom it???...cool..and thanks
  6. meccalli

    anyone use Q's for comps?

    after changing from goin bl to q...i wanna kno if i can still compete with em and still be in the high ranks(high 45+db)..if anyone has done it ...specially with a pair of 18 q's lemme know your score on TL and your enclosure specs...i have a an old(tricked out)corrolla hatch back...enclosure designs for optimum output??,..thanks!!
  7. well ive been looking at these for quite a while i wanna do these with my current kenwood vr-60-rs receiver along with 2 18Q's ...........will these monitors be good and also..looking for a good house power amp to drive the Q's(sorry bout the posts about a car amp..ive had an epiphany)..lol..model are monitor 70 floorstanders and monitor cs2....heres a link...oh i almost forgot..this soundcard nice??http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B000J1F1BI/ref=ord_cart_shr?%5Fencoding=UTF8&m=A2R0FX412W1BDT&v=glanc e .........a pair of these http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detai...ER&v=glance ............and one o this...http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B0002MPNLC/ref=ord_cart_shr?%5Fencoding=UTF8&m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&v=glance
  8. theres a budget for cable....... im only 16..and ive saved and bought all my audio equipment thus far...will continue to do so.
  9. meccalli

    The "X"con 12" prototype has arrived

    to me ............this sub looks like a btl got horney over an ava and we ended up with this.....lol.ava dustcap +btl mag
  10. anyone help......please....dimensions are 60x22x21.feel free to make suggestions.
  11. hmmnn........in trinidad.....................seriously...is F@c#in $hit..everyone here wants to get loud until your ears bleed..........thee are the special ones like me who try to bring back the true love of music.there are no good places that offer the comfort of listening to audiophile equipment since there is pioneer and boss in 85% of all cars and panasonic and sony and onkyo in their houses..there are a couple stores but u have to make appointments and polk over here can get a rich guy broke..lol,,,(over here)but anyways yeah..i see your point and thanks.
  12. meccalli

    box for 2 18 Q's in ht application..

    well.....i have the room...so i guess why not..i was just making sure i wasnt violating fi's recommendations.just gnna be rather big.......black paint ought to do it.!!thanks anyway.
  13. meccalli

    box for 2 18 Q's in ht application..

  14. meccalli

    how do i pre drill holes.?

    i have a basic idea but i dont know how deep and which pieces to do...and what size of bits to use..please excuse my question..never built a box but plan to .hopefully before my 16th birthday!!!..but yeah thanks.
  15. meccalli

    how do i pre drill holes.?

    oh..lol..thanks..................and one more thing .....is liquid nail adhesive any good?
  16. meccalli

    Them Damn New York Yankee's

    this looks awesum!!
  17. meccalli

    how do i pre drill holes.?

    oh ok...and what do i use to countersink then ..i only know that u hit em with sumthin...lol
  18. Do you want to be able to teleport too? The best compromise will be to build your own and only 2 even then it is a bit of a stretch. well..,where do i start ..i got mdf and materials..what about woofers/design.....?
  19. well..im looking to accomplish the best audiophile experience for around 800 -900 bucks...excluding amps/receiver/subwoofer
  20. even though i bought the equipment..my dad is gnna be pissed............1 kicker 10l7...........1 pos american pro 1200 watt amp..mind you it sounds awesome with a kicker !!!i was just playin d4l laffy taffy.played normal....started over the song raised the vol to 6 ..and as soon as the bass was about to hit it played only on my 6x9 's ..the sub wasnt playing ..........i pulled my backseat back and saw the amp light wasnt on....................what to do????????i wpuld check the fuse if i had time but my dad would see me and ask what hapened...ill try for him to play it when hes goin to work then call me and ask what happened."ill be "what did u do" then ill bring it home and follow you guys advice.......thnx.
  21. im buying and i was thinking about the behringer ep2500 amp..
  22. also ..what do suggest went wrong??.somehow the instrumental of d4l was very strong to the point of distorted(just audible enough to hear stained frequencies)..could this be the prob?
  23. well...good report...i starrted by taking off my grnd and proceeded to check the power fuse......all good....then i checked connections...a ok.......then i checked the amp fuse .....good...so i was like wtf .........then i shoved em back in and pulled out the bass remote and put bk on my grnd once again ....bingo!!!still no idea what i did .but it worked!!!!!!!!!!!thanks all at ssa!
  24. desperately need to know how much each woofer will receive @ a final load of 1 ohm..thanks all!im searchin through amps so just another option after u guys judge it.
  25. soo could you recommend a good pair of floorstanders and centre and also a home amp for the Q's?please....