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Everything posted by George

  1. George

    no receipt for FI purchase?

    order 2 BL 18's recently. got them both and i got a FI card and 2 Fi stickers but no receipt. i was wondering if you guys ship your subs with a receipt or not? if not its cool, i am just used to getting one in paper form as well as email form. George
  2. George

    no receipt for FI purchase?

    well i guess i gotta print up the email for my insurance. oh well. but yea, video will come sooner or later because my box isnt finished yet lol.
  3. George

    First show with the 2 x BL 18's (walled)

    you managed to flex a 5 layer baffle?
  4. FI website says 5-10 cubes is the recommendation. i will have 1500w on tap and am wondering, what is the difference between the 5 cube box and the 10 cube box. obviously the 10 cube box will be more efficient etc etc. but im more concerned with whether 5 cubes is really going to be enough for an 18? most people build 8 cube+. biggest i can get is 5.5 to 6 cubes, is that size box really enough? anyone with particular experience with this would be especially welcome.
  5. George

    box for 18" bl...how small is too small?

    anyone with experience?
  6. George

    whose done it?

    walked in front of a brand new TV with a subwoofer, and had the magnetic field completely jack up the screen? purple and blue all over the bitch
  7. George

    Some more pix.

    just to let ya know bro im DIGGING the bolt idea. i think i may have to steal it from ya
  8. George


    thats what im wondering. i too would like info on how to use them.
  9. George

    whose done it?

    I have done it to my computer monitor. I would turn it off for a day or two and see if it will go away. My monitor's went away in about 18 or so hours. i should try that. thanks for the advice!
  10. George

    What audio transactions do you regret?

    my regret as well. was more than 5 years ago, but once i did my first install shortly after i paid for one, i realized how much money i wasted.
  11. George

    SI MAG in Horn (VIDEO)

    looking good!
  12. George

    SAZ-3000D Power Testing

    nice output! solid numbers and everyone loves underrating
  13. i would always go with a new box before buying a new amp. i remember reading a thread a long time ago about a guy who no matter what everyone told him insisted on buying a new amp, without building a new box first. waste of money IMO
  14. George

    XXX 15 recone

    try calling them. usually yields a better response from the companies ive dealt with
  15. George

    Sblazer twins reppin SSA!!!

    i think so. saw it at ca.com as well.
  16. George

    Sblazer twins reppin SSA!!!

  17. George

    (4) Q18's Walled **opinions needed**

    this really has nothing to do with your 4 18's post but i would like some information from you if you would be s nice 1 - what size is the box for your 2 18's? 2 - are they ported? 3 - is the mountaineer a 4 door or 2 door model (dont even know if mercury makes the 2 doors like ford does) im thinking of doing 2 18's ported in a explorer sport and been researching and gathering info. anyway you can relay some of it to me? im from ca.com by the way. sorry, hope you dont mind me posting this
  18. hey, posting this up for future reference for people that might need the info i have an old 12" claw basket mag and the surround is torn on it. i am wondering: 1- is it possible to get a recone on it? or do you guys only do the new subs 2- if it is possible, is it possible to keep the same look of the old mag? or would it look like the new ones after the recone? 3 -and how much would a recone cost thanks
  19. George

    recone possible on old mag?

    nah its seperated completly probably 1/5 to 1/4 of the way and then the rest i glued because it was starting to come apart. the surround is just kinda coming apart now.
  20. George

    recone possible on old mag?

    well i really gotta think about it. oh and to the SI guys heres what the sub looks like. you can see where the glue is, thats where the surround is torn
  21. George

    recone possible on old mag?

    wht kinda changes are we talkin about to the sub as far as everything goes. does it change the t/s parameters by going with the different parts on the old motor? i really gotta think about it since i own a 15" mag and dont need the 12" really. i was actually thinking of selling the 15" and the reconed 12" to buy a 18" fi btl. i love the magnum though so i dont even know if i can convince myself to sell my 15" since there is nothing wrong with it
  22. George

    recone possible on old mag?

    well the old look is just for nostalgia but i mean if it has to be new then it has to be new lol. but i dont know, 125 just for a new surround doesnt sound that good (now i know it would get all new parts but its hard to justify it when all thats wrong with it is the torn surround). i might as well put it towards the HO alt...decisions decisions hey tirefryr, did ya get your alternator yet? if so hows it working? later How much of the surround is torn and where at? If that's ALL it needs, I'd contact TC Sounds and see if they have a surround they can send you and you can just put that on yourself. As for the alt, nothing yet. Bills are piling up and audio dreams going by the wayside. i can try to get a picture of it. i have one on my girls camera just for this purpose but i dont have the camera right now. as for the tear...let me try to describe it. on the old mags you have the dust cap then the cone, and then the surroung glues to the cone. the surround material is like 1/4" all the way around the subwoofer and then the surround material bulges up...like you know the big round bump that goes all the way around. well right where the surround material actually jumps up its torn all the way around (well actually its torn about 1/3rd of the way around). not sure if it makes sense to you...
  23. George

    recone possible on old mag?

    well the old look is just for nostalgia but i mean if it has to be new then it has to be new lol. but i dont know, 125 just for a new surround doesnt sound that good (now i know it would get all new parts but its hard to justify it when all thats wrong with it is the torn surround). i might as well put it towards the HO alt...decisions decisions hey tirefryr, did ya get your alternator yet? if so hows it working? later
  24. im lookin for an HO alt for my truck. i have been to iraggi, mean-green, etc etc. send emails to the ones that didnt have ratings on them (ie, mean green. cost but no amperage rating) i have been researching the companies for the past 3 or so days. and i can tell you, IM FREAKIN SCARED! ive heard horror stories from all the companies. ngsm had a mean green with a misaligned bearing, tons of iraggi alt failures and a few doa, EVEN MORE DOAS from excessive. and i cant afford an ohio gen (even though i heard 2 chit stores about them as well). so here is my question is it really worth to get an HO alternator? i am running a 20.1 at 1 ohm right now (and from the test i saw on ca.com from type r bass during the kicker orion ia test its putting out 2500 watts) of course i got impedance rise and not strong enough electrical system so im not getting anywhere near that, however when i turn it up fairly loud i get bad dimmage. big three and a 700cca battery. i mean i know an HO alt is worth it...however i dont want to be another horror story. every one i hear about even the happy guys whose chit worked good when they got it have problems inless than a year. so does anyone think i should drop $300 on an alt? or should i just not bump my chit so hard? i should mention i also pm'd tirefryr since he knows about alternators and asked him if it was possible for me to just buy the parts on my own and build my own alternator (since ive taken them apart before) i just have no idea where to get parts that will guarantee that i make my 220+ amp goal for my truck (which i should mention is a 98 explorer with the 4L OHV v6). thanks again guys. george edit: i should mention i went to www.alternatorparts.com but i cant figure out how to navigate that site. so confusing and i dont see any actual alternator parts, just alternators
  25. George

    magnum surround rip

    and all of this hassle why? oh thats right cause some douche bags trying to be cool break into SI. castrate the bastards.