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Everything posted by thehawk93

  1. thehawk93

    US amp MD3D

    No reply's at all, well maybe some more information well help you help me. This amp is the one that has the set up that runs down one side of the amp. Like the old soundstream 10.0 and from what I have found on the net it has the same mosfet under the board set up..... Well I hope this will get some reply's now... Hawk
  2. thehawk93

    Official Team introduction for IAK members.

    Hello, I'm Hawk, I have a 2001 Kia Sportage.... I have a very small weak system at the moment. But I will be doing a better install here in the next few weeks.. I have just got the hook ups on 1/0 wire and I'm going to be getting the hook up on a sundown Z 15 inch sub... Now I just need a amp to push the sd sub but that will come soon also.. I will get pics up when doing the build so stay tuned as I will get them up as soon as the build starts... Hawk
  3. thehawk93

    American Bass vs Sundown audio

    I say good choice on the amp
  4. thehawk93

    Mac N Cheese's build log

    .... Looking good there and almost finished... Hawk
  5. thehawk93

    Mac N Cheese's build log

    This is looking real good Mac N Cheese I'm still here waiting for final product... Hawk
  6. is a proud new memeber of IAK.... Thanks Chop!!!!!!!

  7. is a proud new memeber of IAK.... Thanks Chop!!!!!!!

  8. thehawk93

    Carl Casper

    That's a great score...But what did he do in his car???? lol... Hawk
  9. thehawk93

    American Bass vs Sundown audio

    here you go another sd 2000..... Sundown SAZ-2000D - SSA Car Audio Forum
  10. thehawk93

    American Bass vs Sundown audio

    I can't find pricing on the AB....on the net...But you can call 216-662-2522 or [email protected].. also look this over... http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/sundown-saz-2000-t35737.html Hawk
  11. thehawk93

    New from Utah! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Welcome, lots to learn from this great site... Hawk
  12. thehawk93

    American Bass vs Sundown audio

    This is going to be your choice, But for the simple fact of customer service sundown is the way to go....
  13. thehawk93

    Mac N Cheese's build log

    , looks great man keep up the good work....
  14. thehawk93

    wiring question for my saz 1500

    I would start by getting that ground changed. Then also change out that block for 0ga. also. Hawk
  15. thehawk93

    A peek at whats going down this weekend

    Is that a 10 inch driver on top of the Zv2?? If so those mags are what 9 to 10 inch slugs???
  16. thehawk93

    Mac N Cheese's build log

    Is Lowe's that much better than Home Depot? Mac N Cheese if you wan to do my pillars then Ill send them to you. It is when Lowe's has been supporting your family for the last 7 years... Again sorry for the post and I edited it out... Mac N Cheese sorry no disrespect to your log... great job again on your build and keep it up... Hawk
  17. thehawk93

    Mac N Cheese's build log

    Yes your right... I wasn't trying to step on any toes.... sorry.... Hawk
  18. thehawk93

    Mac N Cheese's build log

    This is a great build and the pics are great... Keep up the great work... Hawk
  19. if i remember correctly the tractor battery was 135AH and 1150 Crancking amps Well, that sounds great but you don't know what kind of load the tractor batteries can take and return from. I would go with B.. Also If i'm wrong someone put there two cents in. But I think to make sure your volts stay very stable you would need 100 ah of batteries per 1000 rms power of wattage in your system. Just to be safe I'm saying.. Hawk
  20. Well, as we don't know the ah on the tractor batteries, I would say that the 2 kinetik hc 2000 are your best bet.... or a 2000 up front and the hc2400 kinetik in the back... Hawk
  21. thehawk93

    Exclusive New SSA Video

    That is a sweet azz video and the gear is even tighter.... Great editing on the video also.... Hawk
  22. thehawk93

    SSA welcomes Team IAK

    Chop, Like I said before congrats, Also to team IAK good luck to your future and may you win if not a few but many comps to come... Set those goals high and knock them down and set them even higher again... Hawk
  23. thehawk93

    Custom re-building 15" T3 TSS

    What kind of power were you running to the sub in this video??? Also what kind of money to have a 15 inch built like this????
  24. thehawk93

    Re-Coned SI BM 10s Blowout - $60 + Shipping Each

    Any of these left????
  25. thehawk93

    Lil Jons Van

    No , LB there the 1500 sa