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Tony D'Amore

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Tony D'Amore last won the day on November 21 2013

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About Tony D'Amore

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  1. Tony D'Amore

    amp dyno

    Thank you sir
  2. Tony D'Amore

    amp dyno

    Well understood. The tool lets the user decide if they want to setup the system with no possibility of clipping whatsoever if they choose. Most people don't prefer this setting in practice though.
  3. Tony D'Amore

    amp dyno

    I take it you don't approve of that tool either?
  4. Tony D'Amore

    amp dyno

    In reality though it is much better becuase they are tuned before they leave.
  5. Tony D'Amore

    amp dyno

    Monte Carlo analysis of the circuit.
  6. Tony D'Amore


    You guys might want to check out video 6 in the D'Amore Engineering free education series. It will explain why rms amps x rms volts does not equal power. Www.damoreengineering.com/freeeducation.html
  7. Tony D'Amore

    amp dyno

    Okay, so you used the word measure which implies that you understand uncertainty and accuracy. Your nooblet customers don't and/or your system is displaying non-significant digits. For instance: Kevin is obviously VERY confused on how to use the device which makes these questions extremely pertinent. Please answer. Also note, saying you use a DD-1 to measure distortion is not a method, techniques to measure distortion are very defined and rather easy to follow. How do you implement that? What in your opinion is wrong with the testing that Kevin published?
  8. Tony D'Amore

    amp dyno

    Quentin, that is correct. However that is pretty impossible.
  9. Tony D'Amore

    amp dyno

    It uses non inductive passive loads. They are braking resistors for a light rail train. M5, why so condesending. I have an education. Yes I understand those terms just fine. The power measurement is done via 10 bit A/D. It's about +/- 2% for power. As far as the distortion detecting, they are calibarated to 1.0% +/- 0.1% If you are more interested in how our distortion detecting works you can read the patent here: http://appft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect1=PTO2&Sect2=HITOFF&p=1&u=%2Fnetahtml%2FPTO%2Fsearch-bool.html&r=1&f=G&l=50&co1=AND&d=PG01&s1=20130044886&OS=20130044886&RS=20130044886
  10. Tony D'Amore

    amp dyno

    The Amp Dynos are all hand-built and calibrated by D'Amore Engineering in Tempe, AZ. Tested against several references including an audio precision, and a HP8903A
  11. Tony D'Amore

    amp dyno

    The Amp Dyno is a pro level tool. Yes it has 2 independent DD-1s in it. We have a consumer level tool coming out in a few weeks. It is called the AMM-1. It's a audio oriented multimeter. It measures dc voltage, ac voltage, ac current, phase angle, power factor, VA, Watts, Impedance, and frequency. It's a handheld device.
  12. Tony D'Amore

    amp dyno

    The unit measures both harmonic distortion via our DD-1 circuitry, and clipping via a microprocessor and high speed A/D converters. The mode the Dyno is operating in determines if it will use the harmonic distortion detection and clipping detection, or just clipping detection.
  13. Tony D'Amore

    amp dyno

    The idea of the Amp Dyno is that it would be purchased and used by dealers of home, pro, or mobile audio equipment. It is a tool for them to sell one amplifier over another, and to help them sell better accessories like power and speaker wire. One example: A customers system can be dyno'd in their car, their wiring upgraded and then redyno'd quantifying the improvements and placing value on them.
  14. Tony D'Amore

    amp dyno

    Agreed, it's tough to find music these days that isn't heavily compressed.