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Everything posted by Kovemaster559

  1. Kovemaster559

    1 ohm?

    buy a better amp . im serious. btl deseves better. sell that one and get a amp that does 2500@2 ohms
  2. Kovemaster559

    Sundown Audio CLOSED June 20 - 24

    tell your bro GL . but yeah congrats to him have fun.
  3. Kovemaster559

    Neo + Ceramic Hybrid Motor

    ahh they look cool cone wise tho .wonder how they perform?
  4. Kovemaster559

    cavalier wall work log

  5. Kovemaster559

    Suggested Battery

    lol but then i would have to waste the gas =P and the uncertanty of knowing when to replace them or not... plus im not looking to do competitions oustside of me proving to my friends that my car is louder =P my 4 12in JL w0s arent enough for me if thats all you are pushing my batts couls handle that . how much watts rms are you running
  6. Kovemaster559

    Noobie from Texas.

    sup noobie. jk enjoy the stay
  7. Kovemaster559

    Suggested Battery

    hahahahaha . thats one way to do it. but you want to install it once and never do it again
  8. Kovemaster559

    Suggested Battery

    power master batteries are good . i have some batts for sale they are tall and skinny pm me
  9. Kovemaster559


    what video
  10. Kovemaster559

    2 batteries

    if you need a t batt LMK i can probably do 100 shipped depending where you are
  11. Kovemaster559

    Battery ??

    if youre alt is up to par all you will need is 2 but 3 will be fine. can never have to much power
  12. Kovemaster559

    Happy birthday jacob

    happy bday
  13. Kovemaster559

    2 batteries

    Exactly what would be so bad about it? That is the recommended procedure for the Big 3 Installation. Safety First. you dont have to put it but think of it this way . what will happen if all goes bad and u didint have a fuse. i dont run fuses but i know what the outcome will be if something shorts out.
  14. Kovemaster559

    eD 13Av.2 or Fi Q

    i am a huge fan for the Q but i also seen the ED 13av.2 . i say you can go wrong with the 13av 2 .my reason is because i actualy had a customer who had one and i was like wow that thing is insane , sound quality was perfect and power was crazy. BTW FI Q is my favorite FI woofer(btl is obnoxious)
  15. Kovemaster559

    linking 3 SAZ-3000's

    get a rcs distro block i seen a guy make one . it looks like the best way to got.
  16. Kovemaster559


    he's probly trying to get more power to each BL. BTW you dont want more then 1800 to each BL . id suggest you run each of each amp.
  17. Kovemaster559

    Sundown Audio Battery

    im sure all those 3000d sales helped alot! for the price i dont think people woudlnt buy them. i think jake should make a 4500-5000 watt amp instede of batts tho
  18. Kovemaster559

    I hate AA Havoc's

    wow You realy kill your truck.
  19. Kovemaster559

    Deadening question

    im just trying to get the most out of it . i guess ill just deadened the half ot the car with the mat and the back half with specrum or something similar.
  20. Kovemaster559

    Deadening question

    If i build my wall do i have to deadedn the whole car, or can i just deaden the doors and half the cabin and spray the back half with sealer or specdrum
  21. Kovemaster559

    Screws vs. Brad Nails

    thats y you are so good fish. but my method clamp it down then nail it then screw it its the best way to make it super strong
  22. Kovemaster559

    pics of my new love

    let me have it. hope u have fun with that monster
  23. Kovemaster559

    Deadening question

    so sray the inside of the box as well right, what i was trying to imply . is that i want to deade half the cabin and spray the other half so it comes out cheaper
  24. Kovemaster559


    not to dis u but u are stupid if u think that. supplements are good if u dont abuse them most athletes take suplements and their body acts well to them , u probly dont know what u are talking about their are alot of supplements that are very good .
  25. Kovemaster559

    4 1508's or 2 AQ 10's

    First off, that isn't a sentence. Second a video can't show you anything. And third and most importantly you don't know jack about low if you truly think that you are going to get lows with a 35hz tuning. thats true ,port to 30-32 hz it gets low . its evil i had 1 15 on 4 cf at 32-33 ad it got so low