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About Kovemaster559

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  • Birthday 12/27/1987

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  1. Kovemaster559

    new to this

    150 on music or burped?
  2. Kovemaster559

    new to this

    whats your definition of killer
  3. Kovemaster559

    new to this

    so why waste more money on the 8s if u can only do 4 12s u wont hurt your ears unless u want too. if you are worried about your hearing being damaged just turn down the gains on the amp and u should be fine as far as that set up , yes its not a bad set up it all depends on what u want to achieve.
  4. Kovemaster559

    new to this

    then just do 4 12s with interchangeable ports
  5. Kovemaster559

    new to this

    Why would u mix subwoofers sizes that aint good . cancelation issues just the the 4 12s or 8 12s if anything
  6. Kovemaster559

    Mixing Batteries...bad idea?

    i've never in my whole time that i've been had any problem mixing batteries.
  7. Kovemaster559

    Wut up

    fosho welcome homie
  8. Kovemaster559

    SeconD skin Product REVIEW

    well i was extremely shocked from the product i got . this stuff is bullet prof. upon arrival the deadner right away feels like high quality deadner. I compared it next to the edead v1. other deadners i have installed in my life were dynamat extreme as well . here it goes. upon arrival the deadner is bullet prof. when i say bullet proff i mean this stuff is very high grade deadner. i have never messed with anything as good as this stuff. its very nice and thick yet soft to form. i disected the product to compare it to the edead the edead is very flimsy it folds very easy and is about the same thick ness of the damplifier pro but the damplifier pro is much less flexible and feels like the butyl is much better and much more packed in. here are some pics of the disection of the products the right hand side is edead and the left hand is second skin if you notice that the left can(damp) is less crinkled then the right can(edead) after the can i desided to gut both product the edead came off relativly easy but it still was not easy to come off . the second skin gave me trouble i had to use a razor to cut some of the butyl off here is the aftermath after i dissected both products. again left is second skin right is elemental design the left you can see the foil is very durable compared to the edead foil, its still crikled and the edead is thiner and not as strong as well as the butyl. the butyl retains it shape and is very adhessive the end result is Second skin is by far the best i have seen cant wait to get the time of day to do my doors. this isnt a bash on edead just a side by side review. against dynamat extream id rather buy SS only because i think the product preety much sells it self. again if you want to do the job right go SS it wont fail you and the results are amazing
  9. Kovemaster559

    Kove Prototypes

  10. Kovemaster559

    Prototype Big Boy SPL Motor

    i want one now
  11. Kovemaster559

    Lincoln Towncar Build Log

    looks realy nice!
  12. Kovemaster559

    Single 12" Icon Build

    you do the best work ive seen! very clean and love the finishing touch with the fisher emblem!
  13. Kovemaster559

    Pics of Ascendant/Sundown System

    nice job gmonk
  14. Kovemaster559

    I am also new here.

    was up!