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About Kranz38

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  1. Kranz38

    Port area

    i came up with this, can someone double check it?
  2. Kranz38

    Port area

    ehh, okay, well im going to go with about 150 sq inches of port area? 12.098 cubes after port and sub displacement.
  3. Kranz38

    Port area

    Right now i currently have 2 boxes around 5.4 cubes per box @ 34 hz. I know i really could get the BL's to slam the lows alot louder if i got around 7 cubes per sub. SO with that being said im going to make 1 ported box*walled* and tryn get my max dimensions. I was going to get crazy and fiberglass all the nukes and cranny's but im really not the best with just winging it and figuring out port lengths and cubes when its not a regular rectangle. On to my question... Do you find the Sq. inches for port area before or after all the displacements. EX. I have 15 cubes to work with total 45x34.5x20 external dimensions for 2 18" BL's Do i multiply 16(rule of thumb) sq inches x 15 cubes? I was told by FI to go with 14-16 sq inches of port per cube(i listen to rap)... Right now i have 70 sq. inches of port per sub in a 5.5-6 cube box(doesnt hit the lows like i want) My current box is 19.25 deep 34.5 tall and 21 wide Per woofer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This would come out to be around a total of 200 some odd sq inches of port area for 2 18's.... does that sound right? heres a vid of my set up.. although uncarpeted and not baffled its different now. thanks for all the help and input.
  4. Kranz38

    Wall Setup

    Thinking something like this, but man are these dimensions Close, and this is with a 3.5" port
  5. Kranz38

    Wall Setup

    because im pretty sure the steering wheel would get in the way, and i dont see myself dissassembling my truck in that way. I normally just did it one by one through the passenger door.
  6. Kranz38

    Wall Setup

    Ok i have 43 Wide 20 Deep and 35.5 tall, however dont forget the width has to be in half because the onl way i can get it in is to use 2 separate boxes. 21.5W 20D 35.5T Per Box.
  7. Kranz38

    Wall Setup

    alright, so in conclusion, what would you recommend? i just want to be louder without going hella crazy with power. Throw some ideas at me so i can start workin on a box and ordering some subs. :-) 4 12" Q's ported? I honestly cant go bigger than 6 cubes per chamber its a rediculously tight fit as it is.
  8. Kranz38

    Wall Setup

    i know, i would have them each in 6cubes @ 34hz Heres a pic of my current set up without carpet to give ya an idea. its 2 separate boxes but instead of 1 18 per box i would have 2 15's in them if i went the SSD route.
  9. Kranz38

    15" l7 box

    i walled my 05' crewcab colorado, ive never competed nor do i plan on it.
  10. Kranz38

    Wall Setup

    thats what im thinking of going with as well. You think they would do well off 6 cubes a pair sealed?
  11. Kranz38

    Wall Setup

    Trying to make this as simple as possible I have 3kwrms @ 2ohm to work with roughly 12 cubes after displ. 45W 35T 20D Walled in a CC Truck 4 15" SSD's Sealed or 2 BTL 18's and add another 2kwrms I currently have 2 18" BL's ported but am looking for a little more spl. Its for daily and a groundpounder. I have my 18's in a 6 cube box tuned around 34hz, but they lack the real low end and high end response i was looking for. I wanted to do a sealed set up because its been a while since i went sealed. What do you think? Try 4 15 SSDs or just save up until i can get another amp and go btls in the same enclosure. thanks-
  12. Kranz38

    will this bumb??

    holy bumb! i thought i had bumb but this kid is going to have some mad bumb is the trunk of is bumber. he will probably have crazy deebeeze cuz of his bumb
  13. Kranz38

    Just ordered my Q18.

    hmmm... never dealt with that before, how do you plan on powering the woofer? Obviously an amp of some kind, but i never understood how to make that work
  14. Kranz38

    Just ordered my Q18.

    correct me if im wrong, but thats pretty big for an 18... and reallllyy low. The lowest id tune that woofer is about 31hz... Id say if your looking for a daily groundpounder do about 7 cubes after displacement and around 35hz, that way you can hit some good high notes and still get low.
  15. Kranz38

    My BL 18's

    3/4" but doubled on the baffle