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Everything posted by antoinez28

  1. antoinez28

    2005 tahoe road to 150+ db

    Got some more over kill...
  2. antoinez28

    (4) 18" DC Level 4's and (2) DC 3.5k's

    Love the headlights look like a brand new car
  3. antoinez28

    RCA choices

    I run skyhigh RCA's if you want I will send you a 3ft one that I have laying around so you can try it
  4. antoinez28

    (4) 18" DC Level 4's and (2) DC 3.5k's

    Damn your build is going fast
  5. antoinez28

    Is this good sound deadener?

    He's a good guy nice product...SDS
  6. antoinez28

    Wtb sound deadener

    Best place for the money. http://www.sounddeadenershowdown.com
  7. antoinez28

    2005 tahoe road to 150+ db

    no working on batts...than alt next...
  8. antoinez28

    Team IAK IronMan Explorer

    There's like a ton of people around the sundown truck holding doors trying to get that db score up...while on the other side you had nobody holding nothing and killing the db's....#nice job #YOUGONEGETTHISWORK
  9. antoinez28

    2005 tahoe road to 150+ db

  10. antoinez28

    2005 tahoe road to 150+ db

    I will go outside once it stops raining and play with it for a bit
  11. antoinez28

    2005 tahoe road to 150+ db

    where should they be set at
  12. antoinez28

    Swift's 2012 F250

    That looks real good
  13. antoinez28

    2005 tahoe road to 150+ db

    I can say this i love my subs...and will be buying one more...everybody I drive up on loves them too thanks great product
  14. antoinez28

    2005 tahoe road to 150+ db

    Any good hair tricks songs and or spl songs that you guys play at comp you go to
  15. antoinez28

    2005 tahoe road to 150+ db

    The only thing I turn up is the gain...but I will tur will do and I'm going to get it meter at this comp that's coming up next weekend
  16. antoinez28

    2005 tahoe road to 150+ db

  17. antoinez28

    2005 tahoe road to 150+ db

    So here how my amps are set that the first amp and the second amp I think I have it all wired up right gains are the same maybe I need to get second opinion on how I have it vid coming once I learn how to take it off youtube
  18. antoinez28

    Swift's 2012 F250

    Thanks how the comp go...
  19. antoinez28

    Swift's 2012 F250

    Just wondering are you using crossovers for your pro audio tweets or just going off the amp...
  20. antoinez28

    (4) 18" DC Level 4's and (2) DC 3.5k's

    That one big azs box....almost like a wall just laying down
  21. antoinez28

    06 Civic, 2 Zcon 15", BC5500, Indash tablet

    What song is that
  22. antoinez28

    2005 tahoe road to 150+ db

    Thanks once I get the subs out than put them back in I will upload a pic
  23. antoinez28

    Order #10578

    I need to do a address change I thought I updated my shipping address can you pm me or Check my message before it ships