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Everything posted by antoinez28

  1. antoinez28

    three 15's or two 18's

    Thats where I went wrong on myset was no budget...and I should of had one..
  2. antoinez28

    three 15's or two 18's

    The next ? Is are you on a budget...less money on subs more money on a bigger amp or spend on H/O alts and batts... Or the other way around more money on subs less on amp and electrical
  3. antoinez28

    2001 Tahoe daily driver

    Looks clean maybe gain some dbs
  4. antoinez28

    three 15's or two 18's

    ^^^What he said...^^^im running my 4ethos 18 in a 16.5 cubes give or take with no problems...
  5. antoinez28

    CT Sounds

    ^^^What this guy said^^^^
  6. antoinez28

    three 15's or two 18's

    What is this going in...
  7. antoinez28

    18" SSA Xcon in a makeshift 6th order - in a bedroom

  8. antoinez28

    three 15's or two 18's

    My vote ethos because im team DSS but its all about what you are going for...Taylor fade burp that heck out of a 12 amd steve burp 5k each on 3 15s ethos
  9. antoinez28

    CT Sounds

    Yeah I would not go that route for that money if buying new theres alot of other companys out there better bang for your buck you have twisted sound 8.5k, 3.5k contact steve for that...than crescendo came out with the 10k and 12k...a used dc 7.5 or 9.0 and a crossfire 8k if you look around
  10. antoinez28

    Battery Bank

    Damn thats so true...hows the build J.
  11. antoinez28

    Battery Bank

    Damn thats so true...hows the build J.
  12. antoinez28

    Battery Bank

    1 80ah lifepo4 battery form juciebox 1500.00 each
  13. antoinez28

    Super high output SQ oriented front stage

    From my understanding hairtricks are a couple of things... How much air you can move...(how big the port is) Lower notes from 37 and below... And most of all power and how to keep you voltage up with this power...(lower notes draws more power) well it looks like it.. Are trucks takes time to do hair tricks from the back under the window line Every setup and car is different...I have yet to do a hair trick hope to do one when I get my tw8.5k and my other blackcherry batts... Thats why I built my box with exchangeable ports one is tune low 28 for demos(people love hairtrick...one tune around 37 for daily driven...and my last one to 43 for burping my truck itself peaks at 43 or 44 around there... Everthing im typing is from reading and really competing not just watching youtube vids...but thats my set up...
  14. antoinez28

    escalade slow build

    I drive ruff and no slide out of my box plus I use it to bring my subs underthe window line so I can still be in my class
  15. antoinez28

    2001 Tahoe daily driver

    I am just using screws and wood glue. I just use the screws as my clamping force. Once the glue is dry, the screws come out so flush trim and round over is a non issue. Who said its not going to be seen?Im going to try that on my next box
  16. antoinez28

    Super high output SQ oriented front stage

    Like I said im doing 4 18s...1 10" 18sounds in each front door and 8" in the rear doors with eric stevens pros under the dash...power with a twisted sounds 4channel and a 2channel I dont drive around playing my system full tilt just enough to make who ever is next to me mad...only time is full tilt is at comps im going for hairtricks and 155+ system...so dont get scared go for it stand out have people remember you...
  17. antoinez28

    2001 Tahoe daily driver

    So you is a air gun for the box...if so what kind and nails...I always used screws and wood glue sucks when trying to route the edges...
  18. antoinez28

    escalade slow build

    In the back where the tie down latches are...I unbolted them and went to a local hardware store and got the same bolts but longer with a 2 1/2 washer and bolted the box down like that...I have a 05 tahoe
  19. antoinez28

    2001 Tahoe daily driver

    I will be trying this stuff
  20. antoinez28

    2001 Tahoe daily driver

    Looks like somebody going with the blue
  21. antoinez28

    6 18's 60k Yukon

    And waiting
  22. antoinez28

    06 Civic, 2 Zcon 15", BC5500, Indash tablet

    Are you going to do a different build witht
  23. antoinez28

    2001 Tahoe daily driver

    Coming together nice...table saws are grest when building boxes
  24. antoinez28

    Super high output SQ oriented front stage

    10s in the kick will not work to much is going on sown there on the driver side...but that what I think...horn under the dash and a 10 or 2 10s should work im going to parts express and getting the B&C 10s...was going to get some other tens called 18sounds but my pockets not that deep yet