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antoinez28 last won the day on January 24 2016

antoinez28 had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

62 Excellent Member

About antoinez28

  • Rank
    Regular Member
  • Birthday 07/24/1989

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Profile Information

  • Real Name
    Antoine branch
  • Gender
  • Location
    saint joseph MO
  • Vehicle
    2005 tahoe
    4 18" DSS ethos

    Team DSS

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  1. antoinez28

    4 DC lvl 5's, CRESCENDO, SINGER, 04 YUKON

    Looks good...
  2. antoinez28

    CRUZ87's BUILD! 4 SSA Evil 18"s, 4th order, straight wind.

    I'm just waiting on Bobby, he said soon.. I got a team mate I'm doing some doors for here next week in a 02, same style as Bobbys. Maybe that will inspire him hahaha Might need you to do my doors in my 04 tahoe
  3. antoinez28

    FIRST EVER 21" DC Audio LEVEL 6..... Walled Buick Regal

    O snaps.... looking good
  4. antoinez28

    CRUZ87's BUILD! 4 SSA Evil 18"s, 4th order, straight wind.

    Man that flex.... time to get another 8k
  5. antoinez28

    CRUZ87's BUILD! 4 SSA Evil 18"s, 4th order, straight wind.

    You got the foam on the floor...lol... What are your goals for this build and wat did u meter with your nowall set up
  6. antoinez28

    CRUZ87's BUILD! 4 SSA Evil 18"s, 4th order, straight wind.

    Looks like its going to get nasty low in there
  7. antoinez28

    4 DC lvl 5's, CRESCENDO, SINGER, 04 YUKON

    Love the headlights.... are they on ebay
  8. antoinez28

    98 grandprix,SSA,Crescendo,build

  9. antoinez28

    Team EVILS

    Man only if ok can fit four of them in 13cubes but that want happen
  10. antoinez28

    Team EVILS

    And that is Sanchez explorer right.... Yes as Senchez made a post about them in his thread a while back.So why do others claim they have them too
  11. antoinez28

    Team EVILS

    And that is Sanchez explorer right....