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Everything posted by indytrucks

  1. indytrucks

    new **** fail

    Yup, he did it on roe and diyma.... allegedly...
  2. indytrucks

    Lets try something else.

    Ok, so I just bought this box from someone local and I didn't take certain things into account. Regardless, it won't fit for me. I'm too tall and its too deep. The height and width are fine but I need something a few inches narrower. So what would a similar box like 3+/- on so inches narrower sub/ port up cost? The box is amazingly well built and sounds great, I just don't like kissing the steering wheel lol. It's for a LVL3 12 on about 700 watts for now. I'll switch that out later to something that's a dual 2 eventually to use my amps full power potential. Thanks! http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee174/kirbycamry/RSXBOXNEWcorner.png http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee174/kirbycamry/RSXBOXNEWtop.png http://i171.photobucket.com/albums/u282/bjfish11/new/JuanTamayo005.jpg http://i171.photobucket.com/albums/u282/bjfish11/new/JuanTamayo011-1.jpg http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y14/na_rsx/IMG_0220.jpg Not my car. I have it in an Ext cab '05 Ranger.
  3. indytrucks

    Mli65 bookshelf thought.

    Ok so I should have my mli65's tomorrow and I was thinking about using them in some book shelf style speakers I could use with a reciever off of my computer. I plan on matching them up with some sort of tweeter (any ideas?) And doing the top in some thiner laminate with some rod supporting it. Let me say I suck at sketchup and this drawing is not to scale. If I did the math right though it should end up at 4.5' and 28'^2 the whole way 7"x4". Any thoughts comments concerns? Oh and I will be using 1/2" Baltic only because I think anything more will be overkill. I may end up doing a kerf kut or two too in the port area. We'll see. I play things by ear
  4. indytrucks

    Project Warden.....

    Thats it?!?!?! Tease.
  5. indytrucks

    Dual Sundown Enclosure

    Ok, so how do you do the kerfs in sketch?
  6. indytrucks

    I'm such a newb.

    Ok so I have a "brilliant" idea. I just picked up a Kicker KX3 crossover for cheap with no idea what to do with it really. Well I got to thinking. It has two inputs (front/rear) and three outputs (front/rear/sub). Now then, I have a 2005 Ranger ext. cab I just got for my DD. I am in the process of collecting parts for some form of audio install in it. I was thinking I could ditch the 6x8's in the doors for some 4"'s or 5 1/4"'s mount some tweets on the sail panels, and some 6 1/2"'s in the kicks. Could I use this crossover to do an "active" set up? I have some MLI65's laying around I could use for the kicks. What would be some good compliments to these. And then theres the amp question. I was thinking one 4 channel and one 2 channel. Sundown? Basically I'm just looking for opinions and guidance on getting a good front stage squared away before I get into the sub stage. Oh and I have a p4000ub HU BTW.
  7. indytrucks

    I'm such a newb.

    Still not following. For a few reasons. 1) how do you know I don't want a 3 way set up? 2) I can set it up as follows: A) Tweets on small amp crossed on front channel around 10k-ish HZ B) 5 1/4" 's (till I can get some 4" 's) on a larger amp crossed around 150 HZ C) And I believe the MLI's do down to around 60 HZ also on a larger amp. I have never done a 3 way but am more than willing to learn. It seems to me like I'm missing something here. I will only be using the KX3 for the front stage. As far as the amps go they are circa 97 RF Fanatics. Not top of the line but should sound good all the same. I think something like 30x2 @ 4ohm for the small one and 45x2 @ 4 ohm for the bigger ones. Not tons of power but should sound decent I'm hoping. If not, I'll sell them eventually.
  8. indytrucks

    I'm such a newb.

    Ok so here is what I have now. I have the MLI65's, some Kicker 5 1/4" 's for the doors, and matching Kicker tweets for the sails. They are just some older KS comps. I found some old school RF amps I'll be using and the KX3 I picked up for 25 bucks. I also ordered everything I need for the install from Knu. Here's some picks of the amps: Not the best but I like the way they look, they were BNIB and they have some originality. As far as the KX3, can someone explain why that wouldn't work? Seems like there is enough adjustment in it to set up the speakers properly. And lastly, what would be some better speakers to use than the Kickers? Thanks in advance for all the help.
  9. indytrucks

    RF Fanatics?

    Are these any good? I found a local shop with some FNX1514's and FNX2514's brand new in the boxes and some Fanatics amps as well. From what I can tell these are older Fosgate but I don't know much about them. What is a good price to pay for them? Should I get them?
  10. indytrucks

    RF Fanatics?

    Well they are brand new in the box never used. They have a few sets of the 1514's i think and one of the 2514. I just don't know if they sound good at all or what I should be paying for them. And are the little red and silver amps any good? I don't need them but if anyone else is interested in them I can look into them a little further. Those are brand new too.
  11. Wanna do a blow through on a 2005 Ranger?
  12. indytrucks

    DP or xcon?

    Ok real simple. Wall in a first gen two door Blazer. 2x18"subs. I will buy the apms accordingly and have plenty o' space for a build. Back seat is out and will be staying out. Now would you go with the DP 18's or the new xcon 18's? I'm torn. Don't want a SPL only machine. Just a groundpounder.
  13. indytrucks

    CA-F now running Invision's New Version, 3.0b5

    x2 Of course I'm not a huge myspace fan either. (I have no friends )
  14. indytrucks

    Warden Series Release - May 1st

    Since we have prices and release dates and all that, any chance of some real pics?
  15. indytrucks

    drop shackles + 10 hours = pain

    Your shakle angle shouldn;t be 90 degrees either but yeah go for a spin and see if it settles on its own.
  16. indytrucks


    I found one I want to add. Beware, serious ninja bizness in here lol :
  17. indytrucks

    drop shackles + 10 hours = pain

    What do your shackle angles look like?
  18. indytrucks

    Chevy Xcab door pods

    I'm pickin' up what you're puttin' down home slice.
  19. indytrucks

    Look what Orion sent me

    You should build a box and throw that thing in there and raffle it off!
  20. indytrucks

    Chevy Xcab door pods

    Yeah but on the flipside you'd have to live in Canukia! EDIT: Nice lookin stickers ya got there.
  21. indytrucks

    waiting list for the free enclosure deal

    Still waaiting on my taxes. Plans have kind of changed too.
  22. indytrucks

    Warden Series Release - May 1st

    MSRP is on their website.
  23. indytrucks

    Just won a deal fo a lifetime

    So wait, are you getting rid of your other amps then?
  24. indytrucks

    Just won a deal fo a lifetime

  25. indytrucks


    Sounds about right since the 20.1 is rated at around 1800@1 I believe.