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Everything posted by indytrucks

  1. indytrucks

    FREE enclosures with subwoofer purchases

    Soon as I get some measurements and my taxes back I see two xcons in a box in my future.....
  2. indytrucks

    Welcome Audibel Customs

    Big ups! Congrats on your own little slice of this here pie. Keep on doin' what you do.
  3. indytrucks

    Box build for 2005 Ford Escape

    Clean lookin install. Are you guys going to carpet or paint it? And I love me some Hyphy!
  4. indytrucks

    Build log for 1996 Chevy Lumina- The Blue Fury

    I may just steal that battery idea. Looks good and sturdy.
  5. indytrucks

    Ixl 10 compared to RE SX

    Not in every case. (i.e. zx2500.1)
  6. indytrucks

    Pics of my new toy.

    I miss my stang. If your any where near the Chicago land area check out chicagomustangclub.com or chicaolandmustangclub.com Both great sites. And I am a member on both.
  7. Veeery interesting Mr. Bond (<- that was supposed to sound all evil super villainous. With kind of a German accent.)
  8. indytrucks

    Got the Mach5 SPL12 and 2 AQ2200s metered

    Shouldn't be :eek::eek::eek: should be :skeet::skeet::skeet: Great numbers. Was that just on a tone, burp music, what? More details man!
  9. indytrucks

    B7L BL4Z3R

    Stock alt?
  10. Okay. Their products just always interested me for some reason. If you ever get a chance and the ability to do so I would be very interested in how the Massive amp held up against the AP 3000 watter. Seeing as how they are both basically two 1500 watt boards in one heat sink. That would be a pretty good head to head if you ever happen to have the laying around.
  11. Did you ever test the Clif? I always wondered how efficient they were and what power they put out.
  12. indytrucks

    A new candidate for another high-end install

    Looks sick as usual. What color are the fiberglass pieces getting painted?
  13. indytrucks

    Big Dave's Truck Project

    That color is spectacular. I love it. That and the copper he is using will look great together. Can't wait to see some of this stuff installed.
  14. indytrucks

    aero ports

    Is there a build with this question?
  15. indytrucks

    ******GEO METRO WALL BUILD******

    Mmmm Burger King........ Cleaning your car adds dee beez! How has this thing not imploded yet? Thing is sick.
  16. indytrucks

    Big wheels.....

    So a different site I am on has a thread where they put up pics of nice rides they have come across either in person or on the web. They have had great luck with it so I figured you guys would probably like it too. Seeing as how having a nice car is a passion we all have. So with out further ado, I'll get this party stated. Oh and the black one in the back ground. So kinda pics like those. Now post up!
  17. indytrucks

    Big wheels.....

    There. Hows about a staggered 20x11/20x9 set up on an Imppy for ya then.
  18. indytrucks

    Open Again!

    Just a thought but maybe since he had a hand in the Warden you could do a special run in memory of him or something. Like a special dustcap or something. Just a thought. Glad ya'll are back.
  19. indytrucks

    Big wheels.....

    I had the same one. And yeah, the wheels got all flat spotted after a while and it was just unbearable to ride anymore. Now post a car dammit!
  20. indytrucks

    Big wheels.....

    I knew someone was gonna do that. I was at least expecting something like these though. Now back on topic! Rolls WHAT!!!
  21. indytrucks

    Need graduation present ideas!

    OR, you could get on of these and go over speed bumps, put a system in your trunk and still have room for stuff!! Air bags FTMFW!
  22. indytrucks

    How many Alt can go in?

    Most I have seen is 4 and the guy built his own bracket. He is also running the 4.3. Depends on what engine you have though. http://www.*****.com/board/ind...?showtopic=6215
  23. indytrucks

    Thumppers Ford Windstar Ground Pounder

    This is all time you could be using to work on you set up by the way........
  24. indytrucks

    Thumppers Ford Windstar Ground Pounder

    Will your wife mind?