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Everything posted by intrevic

  1. intrevic

    Amp advice

    I was considering Soundquebed but I just ordered not even 5 minutes ago the IA amps. I bought the IA 10.1 and the IA 3.4 which honestly they do have a good deal with those prices. If I went with Soundquebed it would have only saved me $10 and there amps are bigger than the IA's.
  2. intrevic

    Amp advice

    No problem I was thinking about doing 1500 watts but decided against it.
  3. intrevic

    Amp advice

    I was leaning towards the IA especially that they have it on sale right now so I don't know. Then I saw some amp test of that new company CT Sounds and they look promising also, but I don't know how reliable they are. I trying to stay under a $400 budget for the amp.
  4. intrevic

    Amp advice

    That amp cost $80-90 more than I want to spend