While moving I had to remove my subs and amp from my car. When hooking them back up in haste I hooked up my power cable to the ground and my ground cable to power. Sparks flew and wires were disconnected soon after. The inline 80 amp fuse burned out. Fuses on the amp were fine. After replacing the inline fuse and connecting the amp correctly the amp will not turn on. I checked the fuse in my Alpine 9887 and it was still fine, I replaced it just to make sure. I opened up the amp and everything looks perfect except a few brown solder points located on the steel plate near the ground/power connections. Are these brown spots just left over flux or do these points need to be resoldered? Also, I noticed one of the black plastic caps on one of the large capacitors looks like it melted off and the other black cap from the other capacitor came off but did not melt. Could it be that these two capacitors are bad? Attached are a few pictures. Where should I start diagnosis?