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About t-rust

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  1. t-rust

    Box design for btl's

    my buddies is goin in a 99 jeep grand cheeroke....and ya ur right there isn't much space to work with, i might have to go with aero ports.
  2. t-rust

    Box design for btl's

    ight cool....im starting to look into sketchup and stuff and all i really needed help with was port calculations, im new to that and needa learn better. thanks
  3. t-rust

    Box design for btl's

    I recently just ordered me two 18" fi btl fully loaded and im selling my 18" q's to my buddy. What I need is a good box design for my btl's. My maximum measurements for the btl's box is 49"x20"x29". i currently have aero ports for my q's and im wanting to do a single chamber with a big slot port, subs up port back. And i also need a box design for my buddys setup, max measurements of 40"x26"x26", with the same idea as my box. so if there is anyone with ideas, let me know please. thanks
  4. t-rust

    fi q porting options

    im about to switch to port tubes instead of slot ports and i was wondering if i have 2 18" fi q's how many 6" diameter ports would i need. i have the box set up into two chambers at 7.1 cubes each. i was wanting to tune the box around 31-33 hz. i didn't know if i should use 2 ports per chamber or just one and what the exact lengthe should be.....ive used most calculators and they are telling me with 1 6" port in a 7.1 cube box the length should only have to be 6 inches, which doesnt seem right b/c i was thinkin more like 15-16 inches. shoot me some info thanks
  5. t-rust

    contacting FI

    oh and as of now im only runnin like 650w to each sub....but it will be 1000 to each once i decide to drop money on a new amp.
  6. t-rust

    contacting FI

    yes i checked for tensil slap but it sounds more like its something to do with the voice coils, like an enternal popping. and ill try emailin nick....thanks
  7. t-rust

    contacting FI

    does anyone know a phone number or something to contact fi about a question? ive tried emailing and it didn't work, they ignored me. i ordered a fi q 18" about a month and half ago and i noticed it had a black basket instead of gray, then i ordered another one a couple weeks ago and it had the gray basket and many differences. and just over a week of having the newest one, there is a popping noise coming from the sub as if its starting to go bad already. any comments just let me know....thanks.
  8. t-rust

    btl setup

    i am new to FI audio and ive been searching and watching videos. i have become very interested in this brand now. i want to probably just get one of the new 18" btl's and i didn't know what options to get for this sub. it will be used daily but i still want to know how many db's this thing will put out with just having one of them. and also what is the best amp for one? thanks