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Everything posted by audioarsonal

  1. audioarsonal

    6 15" Obsidian's and 10k......the rebuild!

    And so it begins..... Tools of the trade? Almost gone:( That's all for now. I have to upload a few pictures of the new progress this week. Thanks for looking.
  2. audioarsonal

    Everest 5k just arrived!!

    Honestly, I could care less....So far I am happy with them and can't wait to see what kind of power these make.
  3. audioarsonal

    Db drag world finals 2012

    I will be attending the Ohio location as well. You can catch me around the Team concepts guys usually.
  4. audioarsonal

    Everest 5k just arrived!!

    I will pass on the information...
  5. audioarsonal

    Everest 5k just arrived!!

    If they would like a forum space, have them email me. Thanks. I will pass on the message!
  6. audioarsonal

    Everest 5k just arrived!!

    That would be nice....but I don't think they are on any forums yet.
  7. audioarsonal

    Everest 5k just arrived!!

    If its so generic then why is it the only board with its layout? Why wouldn't they just use the 4 torrid or 8 torrid board like everyone else? I don't know why they would do that either. However, do you know how many people call everyday wanting to be on the "team" just so they can get cheaper equipment? You have to weed out some of them. And I'm not saying Jon doesn't deserve to be on the team, or should have been redirected. But I don't know how he approached them either. If it was just "hey I would like to be on the team....well?" The I could see that maybe happening. But I am not saying that justifies that person not knowing the facts. I am in the community just as you are. I am a competitor and travel to several events each year and have for years. I know what it takes to make it in this sport. And unfortunately you may run into people who are "full of it".
  8. audioarsonal

    Everest 5k just arrived!!

    I felt that ESL had a good product and wanted to try them out. I have talked with both owners and the are very knowledgeable in the business. So I went with them. and thats how i felt, and what i tried to do.. but i was passed on to the guy that has givin the info i have relayed this is not a personal atack ,.. to you or to ESL. i simply wanted to know about the equipment i was interested in. as far as warranty .. i know of SPL amps that are sold with no warranty only a DOA guarantee I didn't take it personal at all! Its unfortunate that it happened for sure. Personally I think whoever you may have spoke with was just trying to "sell" the product. Expecting someone who doesn't know a thing. But fortunately like me your a competitor and know a little bit about the stuff. Not just some kid off the street...So his plan backfired!
  9. audioarsonal

    Everest 5k just arrived!!

    They do provide a warranty. Anyone remember the AQ20k? It didn't have a warranty even if you bought it retail.
  10. audioarsonal

    Everest 5k just arrived!!

    If the amp is so "cookie cutter" then why is there no other 5k amp with the same design? And yes you can engineer the circuitry in the US and have it built over seas. It is done with a lot of products all the time. To take and design a circuitry and have it produced is called engineering. I would agree that in its simplest form it is basically how you described."x watts,1% THD@4 ohm,etc...." But to implement it is another thing. I am not trying to start any argument over who built it or were they had it built. I am simply showing everyone my new amp. I was not the one to bring up any of it. I simply wanted to clarify what I knew to be false. Unfortunately, BigJon was told wrong information and from that had a bad experience. I on the other hand did not. Like I said I choose to run these amps. If you don't want to you don't have to. I think the design differs from any other brand out there. Is it some new "magic" amp that's some top secret technology? No, its simply a new company getting into the market. And I am always glad to see people supporting the sport.
  11. audioarsonal

    Everest 5k just arrived!!

    I never said you were confused. I said you were given very false information. I do not know why they would say that. As it has never been stated, at least not to me, that any of the amps were US built. I understand your complaint as I too am simply a competitor. I felt that ESL had a good product and wanted to try them out. I have talked with both owners and the are very knowledgeable in the business. So I went with them.
  12. audioarsonal

    Everest 5k just arrived!!

    Bigjon. Someone has given you some very false info. The amps ARE NOT built here in the US. They ARE engineered here in the US however. But the subs are us made and built...with the exception of a couple parts. I will address the further when I'm near a computer. And try and clear up some of this confusion.
  13. audioarsonal

    Everest 5k just arrived!!

    For power I run a separate charging system for the sub amps at 16/18v. I have 6 kinetiks and a 300a alt. Previous setup was to memphis 4k's on 4 IA DR's doing 54+ at 30hz. Front section is 3 way active with 1 8, 2 6.5's, 2 4's, and 2 1" tweeters per door. All this is powerd by an N1 and an old Coustic XM5e. I will try and get a build log over hear for you guys. Or you get to other forums you can view it there under the same Username. Thanks for all the positive comments guys!
  14. audioarsonal

    Everest 5k just arrived!!

    I had not heard of them until now, that should say something. Odd that a brand named Everest in located in Florida..... Very few have heard of them. But they really haven't been released as of yet either. As far as the logo not really sure why being in Fl would make a difference in the name they use. But from my understanding its for "reaching new heights." I was not criticizing at all, just 'Everest', you think highest mountain in the world. Florida, not so mountainous. No problem....I didn't take it personal! Just kinda odd I guess. But hey it is logical. Like I said I think its more for the height than the location.
  15. audioarsonal

    Everest 5k just arrived!!

    I had not heard of them until now, that should say something. Odd that a brand named Everest in located in Florida..... I have a co-worker named Everist. :\ Nice amp, now get to building and show us your build skillz. Nice to see you round these parts of the intra-web. LOL...interesting name for sure! Glad to see you around as well. You know were my build is at just check it out:thumsup: I may post it up over here though for those who don't get around.
  16. audioarsonal

    Everest 5k just arrived!!

    I had not heard of them until now, that should say something. Odd that a brand named Everest in located in Florida..... Very few have heard of them. But they really haven't been released as of yet either. As far as the logo not really sure why being in Fl would make a difference in the name they use. But from my understanding its for "reaching new heights."
  17. audioarsonal

    Everest 5k just arrived!!

    What makes you say that? Cause it has more components, better parts,etc...Can you explain? Pricing will be similar to Sundown and other dealer based companies. @stevemead I got ya. Just wanted to clarify.:thumbsup: Yes there are several other 5ks most either have 8 torrid's or 4 torrid transformers. This has 6 which makes it somewhat unique in that respect. Output sections very as well if you compare them closely.
  18. audioarsonal

    Everest 5k just arrived!!

    Tis all good! Looking at the OP section closely they appear to differ as well.
  19. audioarsonal

    Everest 5k just arrived!!

    Do you guys not see that one board clearly has 8 transformers compared to 6? I'm not saying they are special or anything. Just different.
  20. audioarsonal

    Everest 5k just arrived!!

    Notice it has 8 torrids on the input section though? It is similar to the BC5500. The ESL only has 6 torrids. OP section appears to differ as well.
  21. audioarsonal

    Everest 5k just arrived!!

    I'll start easy...Don't want anyone to pre-ejaculate!LOL Now let's crack the case open:evil5: What is this.... Look at these power supply torrids! Thick ass wire!(secondary) Rail Caps... Output filters..
  22. audioarsonal

    Everest 5k just arrived!!

    Alright guys. Let me try and answer some questions...Everest Soundlabs is in the final stages of its release. They will be making a full debut shortly with the full line-up 3.5k,5k,and 10k. Also, they should have the subs ready as well. They are also in the works for more additions to the line already. But things have not been fully finalized as of yet, as far as I know. They did have a limited release last year to test some equipment and see how they performed. With that they went into production on the 5k's to start. As some of you may know Nick Watts has these amps and set a new record in IASCA at the start of the year. There are a few others running ESL equipment, but it is limited right now. But I can assure you they will be making some news here shortly. As for similarities, I have not seen any other 5k with the same layout as this design. Internals appear very strong and should have no problem competing with others in its class. The guys at ESL engineered the amps to their specs. They are not US built as far as the amps, they are Korean. And to try and answer some of the questions as to misconceptions given, at first people were able to speak directly to Tony or John. But since things are getting closer to release they have picked up dealers. So you may have been pushed to your regional dealer. Unfortunately it sounds like they may have been misinformed, which can happen. Hopefully they will get things straightened out so things like that don't happen in the future. Pics coming shortly......
  23. audioarsonal

    Everest 5k just arrived!!

    Hey guys...thanks for all the comments. I will answer everyone once I get to a computer. And I will post some guts for everyone as well. I will say this, I have only seen one other 5k with a similar layout to this. Stay tuned...
  24. audioarsonal

    Everest 5k just arrived!!

    Do you remember his name? As far as "making" no they are assembled in Korea. But they are engineered in the US from my understanding. If its who I think it is I'm not sure why he would have told you that...But both guys are great guys to talk with from my experience. Sorry to hear you had a bad experience.