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Everything posted by audioarsonal

  1. audioarsonal

    Berry doin 2Hz and even 1Hz

    While its tragic. He left behind 5 children that will now grow up without a father. I think that is the real tragedy.
  2. audioarsonal

    6 15" Obsidian's and 10k......the rebuild!

    Thanks guys! Its all out right now until after this weekend. Then I will be doing the last piece along the bottom and glassing them. Then its almost done! Just need to do a little finish work and its on to covering/paint. But my big problem is now wiring. I had things playing fine the other day. Yesterday I go to get things around and everything on my highs is fuxed! Narrowed it down to the crossover, so I ditched it. Luckily my old MTX has signal summing and 2/4 channel switch. So it will have to work for now. Still active just not as clean as it was mainly due to no BP on my mid's. Oh well 2nd amp will be here saturday and will probably get installed at Lima.
  3. If its a 1x or 2x it would most likely be sanctioned under some sort of Organization. Otherwise what good do points do?
  4. audioarsonal

    6 15" Obsidian's and 10k......the rebuild!

    A little progress... 2nd 5k will be here in a couple days!
  5. Isn't an inch like 25mm? So just over 2" PP isn't to uncommon nowdays.
  6. audioarsonal

    6 15" Obsidian's and 10k......the rebuild!

    It was a treat thats for sure. I'm just glad these subs aren't like my last ones. They were 40lbs and I had to put 2 upside down in my clamshell I use to have. It sucked ass so I could only imagine with as tight as it is, how hard it would be gettin them in.
  7. audioarsonal

    Db drag world finals 2012

    LOL...then why you complaining! You got free time! I'm rebuilding the entire thing and I find time:p
  8. audioarsonal

    6 15" Obsidian's and 10k......the rebuild!

    i think it was just about as much work fitting all those i there as it was building it! It sure didn't seem that tight when I designed it in my head???
  9. audioarsonal

    6 15" Obsidian's and 10k......the rebuild!

    And just think this is just one 5k at 1.3 ohm engine not running. Once I drop the other 5k in at .6 it should really come alive!
  10. audioarsonal

    6 15" Obsidian's and 10k......the rebuild!

    Little video for you guys. Sucks a bit cause it was shot on my phone. But you can get an idea. Its gonna be nasty. I only have the 1 5k in now wired up at 1.3 and I'm only seeing about 1k tops at the moment with gains set low.
  11. audioarsonal

    Slamology 2012, June 16/17

    Not part of the team. But I will be attending once again! Hope to see some new faces at the new venue! Come out and make this bigger then ever! A few of us will be camping right across the street if any of you guys are interested. Should be fun!!
  12. Just cut that plastic cap off! It makes it much easier to fit wire on the lug.
  13. It is an un-released model that should hit the market in the next few months if all goes well.
  14. audioarsonal

    6 15" Obsidian's and 10k......the rebuild!

  15. Yes the 55% is typical for most A/B amps. So its to be expected. They are using Burr Brown OPamps which is a nice feature. The 41 detent pot's aren't really to special, but the active capabilities is a nice feature. There seems to be a few companies bringing that feature to their 4 channels now days.
  16. audioarsonal

    6 15" Obsidian's and 10k......the rebuild!

    Alright...Success at last!:chuck: The weather has held out for me and I was able to get everything wired up. I bought some, what I thought to be 10ga, speaker wire off ebay. Now I knew I probably wouldn't get actual 10ga and I was prepared for something in the 12ga area. Shipping was fast from CA but the product sucked balls! It wasn't even 14ga wire! There is no way I was gonna try and pump 50-60A thru that thin ass shit! So I had to resort to modifying the little spring terminals on the subs. I don't know if you guys have seen them but they are TINY! I mean not even 3/16". So I took my uni-bit and drilled it out to accept 8 ga wire. Cause you know how hard it is to cram 2 pieces of wire in those bitches! It ended up working very nice, and I was able to use some of the cadance 8ga I got on one of the deal of the days. Now mind you this is no easy treat fitting all these in. The two on top took me probably 15-20 min each(I was doing it alone) and the vertical ones were a bit of a treat to fit as well. But it all finally came together! I am very happy with the look and I can't wait to hear it:fappery: Once its done it should look pretty bad ass with the paint and CF I have in store:behindsofa: So I bet you all wanna see???
  17. audioarsonal

    Db drag world finals 2012

    Too busy doing work and preparing to waste time on zee interwebz???? What class you running then? You gonna do the 3x...
  18. audioarsonal

    Db drag world finals 2012

    Lots of people do. They just don't comment of every single thread. Good luck to you all! I'm rooting for you RamRod! LOL....I see one FINALS thread. This is the biggest event of the season how can you not comment?!
  19. audioarsonal

    Db drag world finals 2012

    So no one here competes?
  20. audioarsonal

    Db drag world finals 2012

    11 days. Who's coming out? Who plans to compete?
  21. audioarsonal

    Db drag world finals 2012

    I believe its Saturday. But I'm not sure, as I don't compete in that org currently. I will probably hit up the 3x.
  22. audioarsonal

    Db drag world finals 2012

    What class you running?
  23. audioarsonal

    6 15" Obsidian's and 10k......the rebuild!

    Thanks. And no I don't right off hand. But I got them from ebay.