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Everything posted by toy2008

  1. toy2008

    Who use SSA subs?

    Xcon 18 on sundown 2500 beast low end and sounds very good sealed too.
  2. toy2008

    charging voltage

    I can only keep charging voltage below 14.4 if I do 2 amp charge. If I go to 8 amp charger reads 15 even. So I'm I right by keeping ampare down?
  3. So I have a 80 amp fuse inline from battery 14 inchs away. Was expecting this fuse to blow. I am running a sundown 2500 @.5 ohm to a xcon 18. Question is why has it not blow I'm I not getting the watts I think I am? Voltage out of amp to sub is 50 volts.
  4. Its a daul 1 I throw a DMM on it before in stall. How do you pull 245 amps through 150A fuse? I have a clamp going to try playing music and clampping the power wire.
  5. Its all positive together and all negatives together.
  6. Sub is a ssa xcon dual 1 wired in parallel. Box is 7.25@ 30 hz. Can the fuse being small not allow full current flow?
  7. Well that helped alot.
  8. I have a dd-1 I use it and I like it. I got it for cheap. It super easy just set it and forget about it. You are not limited to just 40 hz you can run different hz to check distortion. It is hard to hear distortion at low frequenty so when are do really hear it its really has alot. You my not be able to smell coils if you run sealed boxes.
  9. toy2008

    Sundown Audio 50.4 and 125.2

    Fast ship and good communication. Packing on amp was superb thanks.
  10. toy2008

    2 Fi btl triple stack 18s .7

    Do you still have the fi's
  11. toy2008

    WTB xcon 18 daul 1

    Mayhem has crossed my mind more that once.
  12. toy2008

    WTB xcon 18 daul 1

    Just like title said maybe a different 18 daul 1
  13. toy2008

    WTB xcon 18 daul 1

    Its 300 plus 69 to ship. Its 371 for new.
  14. toy2008

    WTB xcon 18 daul 1

    Is it new or used? If its new ill give you 350 shipped or let me know what you have to have for it.
  15. toy2008

    WTB xcon 18 daul 1

    Any 18 dual 1 let me know
  16. toy2008

    charging voltage

    By the way its a d2400
  17. toy2008

    new build

    Ok so I just got a new amp a sundown 2500d. Now I think I should lean towards 2 15s.
  18. toy2008

    new build

    So I want to do a new build with ssa subs. Current set up is a skar 1500 and a havoc 15 in 3.5 @ 33 hz. It don't not have to be louder than this just looking for some thing different. I have about 8 cubes of space. I'm border line for stock electrical but do have a xs2400 on the way. Goals are daily but I would like a pretty flat response like killing the lows. Maybe 2 15 dcons amp turned down of course or a xcon 18.
  19. toy2008

    mayhem for daily

    Is it just a spl sub or will it make a good daily.
  20. toy2008

    mayhem for daily

    will this work
  21. toy2008

    mayhem for daily

    I just won a sundown 2500d on ebay so that may do the trick.
  22. toy2008

    mayhem for daily

    Would a mayhem 18 be at home in a box 6.6@31 hz port area 81 square inchs?
  23. toy2008

    mayhem for daily

    New battery and big 3 done a week ago voltage drop is for 13.9 to 13.7 full till that way I bought a 2500.
  24. Sometimes in my truck voltage reads 14.2 and other times it 13.8. Stock 130 amp alt and a xs d2400 under hood. And big 3
  25. toy2008

    mayhem for daily

    Going to remove skar 1500 and put in sundown 2500. Going to hook it up to havoc see what happens. My system keep get more and more quiet. Do amp or subs slowly go away fade out?