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About hunterp223

  • Rank
  1. hunterp223

    Tripleb45 start up kit

    I'd recommend upgrading the VEHICLE
  2. hunterp223

    Hunterp223 Box Design Fi BL 15

    Thanks man!!!!!
  3. hunterp223

    fi btl dust cap colors

    any pics of the "FIRE" dust cap???
  4. hunterp223

    Lvl5 18 vs BTL 18

    really? or are you just blowing smoke? If your not what do you do for a living? because I gotta do it
  5. hunterp223

    XCON 18" Production Photos

    NIIIIICE!!!! makin me wanna sell the Bl and try one thats a sexy lookin woofer for sure
  6. hunterp223

    Wat amp to get

    I have a kicker 2500.1 pushin my Bl18 but, I have it adjusted to ~1700 watts at the highest volume I EVER listen to it at and, it seems fine. However, I wouldn't wanna put much more to it. jus me
  7. hunterp223

    My weight training progress so far

    try mma, fighting works muscles you never knew you had. kinda hard to work your deltoids the same way with weights as you can with punching. plus moving your body weight will make you more athletic all around. just my .02 since it has sure worked for me
  8. hunterp223

    comparable subs to nightshade

    how do Incriminator DP and Xcons compare to the nightshade?
  9. hunterp223

    Liquid nitrogen to cool a 10 inch btl

    would definitely be interesting to see what happens.
  10. hunterp223

    tracking number blues

    lol, perfectly normal I'd say. I check the tracking progress of my shipments almost obsessively. lol
  11. hunterp223

    Fi and Ia

    any suggestions on a better box? and I was considering the mach 5 6.5 midbass drivers and a 2 channel 100 watt/ channel amp for em possibly some kick panels. would that be a goos direction to go to for more detailed sound? also, any Ideas for a better box
  12. hunterp223

    Fi and Ia

    I am looking for sq mostly at lower volume. but when I really crank it up the sq doesnt and is not gonna be fantastic but I still want it too sound as good as possible
  13. hunterp223

    Fi and Ia

    ok back to the original question, will I sacrifice alot of output and gain alot of sq with the Q series. and will the Incriminator DP 18 give me more of both?
  14. hunterp223

    Fi and Ia

    um... maybe something that has even better cone control and faster cleaner response. yeah you are right I do need some midbass(suggestions on speakers?) what I am looking for is hard to put into words. I heard a system a while back that had 6 or 8 12" soundstream subs that were like 300 watts rms each and they had a good quick sound to them. IDK if the sound is just gonna be different because of the different cone sizes or what but my Bl is easily as loud as that system but not quite as clean sounding. want the sub to also get a little lower as well so maybe I'll have to redo the box on top of that.
  15. hunterp223

    Fi and Ia

    its not so much I dont like anything other than I would maybe like a lil better sq from the subs, If i can find a sub that may give more output with about the same power and a little better sq at the same time that would be great, that is why I was asking about the IA DP series they seem like good subs. and some more output was why I was looking for apprx 1500 watts in the amp. I hope that clarifies