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About john117

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  1. john117

    DD 9518

  2. john117

    DD 9518

    I am going to use SAZ-3000D, can an a DD9518 handle that. Also if I get an 8V head unit going to help me any?
  3. john117


    I am getting powerful sub. That is why I am getting this amp. Also I have seen small to big sub, but the only guy that owns a car sterio is not that good. I want electricity of the car to be perfect that is why I am asking you guys. Also I just wanted to know about .5ohms I am going to use it by 1ohms. So A 300 AMP FUSE, AND 200 AMP ALT WOULD DO PERFECT? I WOULD LOVE TO GET THE 200 AMP ALT. ALSO I WANT TO HAE A 14.4 V ELECTRICITY, SO WHAT DO I NEED? I WOULD LOVE TO TALK TO SOMEBUDY VERBALLY, WE COULD DO IT ON SKYPE. LET ME KNOW. ALOS I MIGH GE TA WEBCAM IF THAT HELP (IT PROBEBLY WOUNT).
  4. john117


    I want to know how do they get 66 Voltage in a car. I mean I am going to get a 300 amp alt, and two power master D3100, and a SAZ-3000D. How in the world can I find out how much Voltage am I going to give out before I purchase all these things. Also how is it possible to put the amp at .5 ohms? I don't know a lot about car audio, but this voltage thing is REALLY confusing me.