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Everything posted by Darkhunter139

  1. Darkhunter139

    Any 94-97 Honda Accord Owners

    Yeah I am going with sub back port back My sub didnt get here yet and I am just about to start the build for the box but ill post some pics when I am done.
  2. Darkhunter139

    Any 94-97 Honda Accord Owners

    94 here going with a back firing 15 inch SSD
  3. Darkhunter139

    Going to be ordering single 15. SSD or Q?

    Got my tracking number today expected delivery the 28th woohoo
  4. I posted this on another forum but didn't really get the best answer so I figured I see what you guys had to say First off I am going to be running an 800 watt sub amp with an FI sub (Not sure which one yet) And probably a speaker amp around 100x2 watts I have a 94 honda accord with a 70 amp stock alt, I am going to be doing the big three for sure. What other upgrades do you think I am going to need to do? If I have to upgrade my alt would one from ebay do the trick or is that not recommended? I was looking at this battery for the trunk as well http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_7324_Kinetik+HC+600.html
  5. Darkhunter139

    quick copper coils question

    Where did you get the amp at?
  6. Darkhunter139

    quick copper coils question

    Where is everyone getting that amp? lol It must be a good price somewhere because I was on youtube watching video's of people with SSDs and I swear 3 out of every 5 people use that exact same amp
  7. Darkhunter139

    Post Your Home Audio Setups Here!

    Here is mine
  8. Darkhunter139

    Going to be ordering single 15. SSD or Q?

    It was like $214 cause I got copper coils as well. I paid it all though I guess they just need to accept it or something
  9. Darkhunter139

    Going to be ordering single 15. SSD or Q?

    Oh so you guys actually have to accept it, gotcha. Thanks for the answer just making sure I didnt do anything wrong.
  10. Darkhunter139

    Going to be ordering single 15. SSD or Q?

    It still says payment uncliamed. I am not asking cause I am in a rush or anything just wondering wtf it is. I have been using paypal for a while and have never seen that before
  11. Alright thanks for all the info guys!
  12. Darkhunter139

    Going to be ordering single 15. SSD or Q?

    Paypal payment says status unclaimed never had that happen before. Does that just mean fi needs to accept the payment I guess?
  13. I plan on running my amp at the rated power so it shouldnt be clipping Will it run better if I am in park or would it be better to be driving?
  14. Whats daily clipping mean?
  15. Thats basically exactly what I have. Dang so your running 1600 watts and dont even have an extra battery?
  16. Will the battery help if I stick with the stock alt though?
  17. Darkhunter139

    Going to be ordering single 15. SSD or Q?

    No really hurry I just wanna see it lol I am hoping to have the box done by the time it gets here
  18. Darkhunter139

    SENDING A SSD 18 TO EUROPE ?? people from Fi ??

    Im guessing its because the distributor marks it up? They need to make some money off it
  19. Darkhunter139

    Going to be ordering single 15. SSD or Q?

    I just ordered a 15 inch SSD The cheaper price was the selling point. It looks like a great sub I cant wait to get it! Does it still take like 3-5 for them to make em? I am so pumped to get it. Going to start my box build soon
  20. Ok here is what I plan on doing big 3 Buying that kinetik HC 600 for in the trunk And just running the 800 watt amp for now Think that will be good on my 80-90 amp alternator?
  21. Alright think I could get away without one if I just run the 800 watt amp?
  22. Ok yeah its an 80-90 amp alt
  23. Darkhunter139

    SENDING A SSD 18 TO EUROPE ?? people from Fi ??

    Id try the fi section if I were you http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...hp?showforum=51
  24. What about this one? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/HONDA-ACCOR...sspagenameZWDVW They say they give you a 90 day warranty. Or this one http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/HONDA-ACCOR...sspagenameZWDVW That gives you a year. Also my alt might be 80 amps actually if that makes any differnce. I plan on installing my sub amp and sub soon think id be ok to just run them off my stock alt until I can upgrade my alt, then ill add my second amp.
  25. Darkhunter139

    Going to be ordering single 15. SSD or Q?

    I listen to mostly rock and rap Umm My goals are to get loud and stay as cheap as possible....kinda answered my own question there but if its not worth it to stay cheap then I could probably save up a little longer