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Everything posted by Matt2105

  1. Matt2105

    Do work son!

    Wow. Im jealous.
  2. Matt2105

    New and just ordered

    New here. Drive an Eddie Bauer Explorer. I ordered the 12" Icon and Sundown 1000 combo on Monday. Can't wait to get it in. It said 3 day ground so I guess Ill get it tomorrow or Friday at the latest. Didnt get a tracking number so not quite sure. Im not worried about it though. Im assuming that ICON12D2 means Icon 12" dual 2 ohm so I can run it at 1ohm right? Couldnt imagine them selling the 1 ohm DVC with the amp. Anyways, thanks for the forum and the products. I'll be sure to make a build log when I order my wire and start on the box.
  3. Matt2105

    New and just ordered

    Amp arrived! Im stoked about that. Looks like I'll have to wait until tomorrow for the sub. The amp looks sick though and I cant wait to get everything together.