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Everything posted by pat_smith1969

  1. pat_smith1969

    Need help cutting wall to trunk

    I have been doing car audio as a hobby for 20 years both for myself and my friends.. so though I am no professional I have some experience. In that time I have run into exactly 1 car ('90 something BMW M3) that could benefit in any way from removing material from the trunk area of a car. Bass travels quite nicely through the backs of seats... unless you are competing.. those guys are crazy.
  2. pat_smith1969

    possible ideas for a jeep wrangler.

    I have a 2013 JKU and LOVE it. This idea of using the box as a seat is pretty bad. First off... IT is illegal to jerry rig a seat and mess with safety belts. Second of all, it is just plain uncomfortable for your passengers. Finally, jeeps are easy to break into (especially if it is a soft top). And one more thing... you must assume you will get rain/water in your interior at some point and you should account for that. what I would do.. they make some nice sub enclosures for the back of a two door jeep (http://www.quadratec.com/products/14136_3903.htm) or (http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.quadratec.com/Assets/Images/59648/59648-lg.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.quadratec.com/products/14136_320.htm&h=600&w=602&sz=52&tbnid=LjdQeX1fuj24LM:&tbnh=90&tbnw=90&prev=/search%3Fq%3Djeep%2Bwrangler%2Bsub%2Benclosure%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=jeep+wrangler+sub+enclosure&usg=__qD4E8m2PBPKv4tjc4AWyOw1phSg=&docid=m_sxiBzzVf3ifM&sa=X&ei=RhY5UvrBKLj_4APHzoDQCQ&ved=0CH4Q9QEwBg&dur=0.. get a 10 to put in it, there is a covered place for your sub amp and enjoy it. You cannot get good bass with a jeep, many have tried (including myself with 2 SA-8s in a ported enclosure).
  3. pat_smith1969

    Dual SA-8 V2 tweak my box

    What I HOPE to attain is a great sounding sub stage (I have two SA-8s) that gets REAL low and is real tight. What makes my goal a bit different than most requests is that I don't care about volume (SPL), I will never put a meter on it to check my SPL... I want low extension, and tight bass with very little hump in the response curve (I realize it is nearly impossible to get a flat sound from a ported box). Vehicle : 2013 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited soft top Location in the vehicle: back cargo area Space available (Length x Width x Height): 37.5 x Any x Any Subwoofer make and model: SA-8 V2 Subwoofer Size: 8 inch Number of Subwoofers: 2 Type of Port (Kerfed, Slot, Aero, etc.): Aero would be cool but slot works too What type of music do you like?: Acoustic bass /w Jazz, but also rap and rock. Is your goal SPL or Everyday Music?: Good tight SQ Tuning Freq (Hz): Whatever works best Volume : Whatever works best My current box has these dimensions (outside dimensions with 3/4" MDF, includes port) 37.5 x 12 x 11.5 About 1.4 CF Port dimensions 2 x 34 x 10 (I calculate it is tuned to about 28 hz ) My impressions of my box is that it might be tuned too low and I worry about damaging the subs (over extension). The volume is fine and I can make it quite a bit louder if I like. that is not a problem. It tries to create those notes that you cannot hear but can feel, sometimes I think my enginge is stuttering and my steering wheel is shaking but I cannot hear the subs.. kinda cool. I would like to get the box much smaller and tighten up the bass a bit.