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Everything posted by kj4jaq

  1. kj4jaq

    2012 Chevy Sonic

    As stated above, he is 100% absolutely correct. MMW Act will screw up a lot of dealership service leaders high strungness,
  2. kj4jaq

    SSA ZCON 12" D2 $400 shipped OBO

    a lot of my music is around 40 hz, yes
  3. kj4jaq

    SSA ZCON 12" D2 $400 shipped OBO

    40hz test tone, til change in sound was heard, then turned down further...as described in a sonic electronics video on youtube...sold all my o-scopes
  4. kj4jaq

    SSA ZCON 12" D2 $400 shipped OBO

    gain was set correctly, they just didnt hold up to the RMS that they claimed (sub manufacturer's name withheld)
  5. kj4jaq

    SSA ZCON 12" D2 $400 shipped OBO

    i was tired of blowing subs with my RF1500BDCP, this one should be able to hold up to the monster
  6. kj4jaq

    SSA ZCON 12" D2 $400 shipped OBO

    sold, close thread!