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About gckless

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    San Antonio
  • Vehicle
    1999 Chevrolet Blazer
  1. gckless

    New Leviathan III Cover/issues

    If you want a clear cover its 46 or 48$ I forget which, you can call zed to get the ordering info. Only difference is the thickness of the plexi. The heat sink will be 1 millimeter higher than the clear cover, honestly I don't think you will be able to tell. That was what the guy I talked to said, people thought the LED's were too bright. Personally I like to see all the guts, its a very beautiful amp. I agree wholeheartedly with this, I LOVE to see the guts. But those LED's are too bright. I really wish he would buy dimmer LEDs, would solve everything.
  2. gckless

    New Leviathan III Cover/issues

    Pretty sure the change was made sometime around the start of the year. I got mine back in April (ish) and it has it. It's still pretty bright in my cabin.
  3. gckless

    New Leviathan III Cover/issues

    My fault, won't mention them anymore. The clipping lights are functioning normally. I never see them on during regular use, only seen them during setting gains when I purposely turned my HU up that far to find clipping with my oscope. However, I do see them flicker whenever the amp resets when going from the high to low voltage rails. They are pretty accurate too. Came on when I seen clipping on the oscope. Why the oscope is awesome though, is because those lights won't detect the harmonic distortion I was getting on my tweeter channels.
  4. gckless

    New Leviathan III Cover/issues

    I am the buddy West is referring to, though I'd chime in here. I did have a problem initially with the amp cycling rather fast. What I think happened was the REM wire got knocked loose internally and wasn't making full connection. In any event, I shipped directly to Mr. Mantz, he fixed it, and Vertex Audio picked it up from his shop and shipped it back to me. I initially paid for shipping to Zed, but was later reimbursed by Vertex, and they paid shipping from their location to me, so my total out of pocket expense was $0. I am currently having the issue described. Here is a video of it: What is happening is the amp is having to breifly reset whenever it switches from the high voltage rails to the lower voltage rails. The red light you see coming on in the video is labeled "VRDV", and indicates when the amp is utilizing the high voltage rails. This, I was told from someone who's talked pretty extensively with Mr. Mantz, was put in initially for his own troubleshooting, and is not supposed to be something the user should worry about at all. I do like it though, pretty cool to see just how loud I can get before it switches over. Part of the reason it's so efficient I'm open to ideas about this if anyone has them, too. In any event, I am working with the guys at Vertex Audio again, and I have no doubt this will get resolved. They are great dudes, I can't vouch for that enough. CS there is great, do not hesitate to buy from them. They can be a little slow to reply, which puts some people off, but they are great. They have an awesome trade-in program too Also, for those asking for more pictures, I've got a few in the first page of my build log here: http://mobileaudioforum.com/forum/showthread.php?2566-1999-Chevrolet-Blazer&highlight=1999+blazer