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Everything posted by frankyp00

  1. frankyp00

    Build an Amp Rack ?

    Want to get an amp rack to mount a Kicker ZX 2500.1 to my foldable back seat. The amps dimensions are 27.5 Long x 2.125 High x 9.625 Wide (inches) The picture is 35 L x 15 W ...dunno how high it would need to be (of course there is more space for length/width/height) Kindof petty build, but if not too much I'll buy it out of convenience
  2. frankyp00

    How to install Damlifier & Luxury Liner Video

    Good info. Seemed like he was a little overly excited at the beginning though. wooo woo haaa wooo
  3. Just thinking about getting into having 1 large battery under the hood, so that if I want to test it out in a comp "one day" ... then it'll be in the 1 battery class. Been a while since I read the rules but I think thats the street classes
  4. So anyway, my brother owns a towing business/ Car parts yard (aka junk yard) ... And he acquires many things. So he acquired one of those industrial sized Optima Yellow tops and a Regular Optima yellow top. I am building my system and a battery was my next step. He gave them both to me, and I was wondering if I should keep them or sell them and put in a large Powermaster or something??? Both are brand new, still in the plastic rappers
  5. frankyp00

    Pics of the BL and the Box

    Yeah I thought it fit better than a "Mountain Dew" can.
  6. So I unrapped my new toys today and put them in. But I want to make sure that I don't need to remove this bolt covering the pole. I'm thinking it's just there for shipping so nothing gets in, but no book = no idea. Great looking sub, and I'm happy. Perhaps someone could save the Fi guys some time and make up a generic 2 page book or something. You know like people always like to ask "where's the mounting holes" and now I'm asking about the allen bolt. etc. etc.
  7. frankyp00

    Do I remove the Allen Bolt of back of Fi BL?

    New kid on the block. blah haha.. Thanks, just wanted to make sure that I wasn't leaving it in there. Cause I couldn't imagine what would happen if it was installed and not supposed to be in there when running haha.
  8. frankyp00

    Do I remove the Allen Bolt of back of Fi BL?

    undefined This link answers the question about mounting holes
  9. Was going to build a small sealed box for my brothers truck. Just wondering if any tuning can be put in a sealed box. Or perhaps it goes off the speakers "Fs" ...hell if I know haha
  10. frankyp00

    Do sealed boxes have a tuning frequency?

    Glad I asked. I got some good info here
  11. Is this the same amp that is for sale? 9.9 cosmetically 10/10 mechanically?
  12. frankyp00


    Some may have a different opinion, but I got assigned to recruiting for the last 3 years. And for the last 3 I've said I would have rather deployed haha. Woo recruiting is a different animal in the military. I'm outa this in September though "I think" . Called branch for orders and the lady told me to call back when I finish recruiting. I think I need orders to finish, duh. Couple buddies got extended, so perhaps I have been and no one wants to tell me.
  13. frankyp00


    Was just researching these myself. Goodie
  14. frankyp00

    How long to receive SAZ-3000D

    If I pre-order a 3000D, how long will it take to ship once August rolls around. And are we talking beginning, mid, or end of August? Just trying to get an idea if I should go with 2 x 1500's or 1 x 3000. I have the patience to wait, but there is a sale on the 1500's atm that makes them just $29 cheaper. But I can write that off, since running just 1 amp will probably be less strain on my electrical system than running 2 amps P.S. I tried to post this in the shop forum but I dont have the rights to
  15. This is what I was thinking, so I have my crossovers overlapped aka low pass at 80 and high pass at 63 or so. I can't remember, it's been set a while
  16. frankyp00

    Box port tuning help

    Haha yeah, i figured i'd have some young lady keep her head there and have a video camera mounted with a feed to youtube. Kindof like a reality t.v. kindof thing
  17. frankyp00

    Box port tuning help

    The dimensions are" 20" Wide x 18" Tall x 15" Deep = 3.125 ft^3 external Internal = 2.385 ft^3 - .15 (speaker) = 2.235 ft ^3 to work with minus whatever port area??? a little area in the back lost to the plexi window that will be put in, but negligible The speaker is a Fi BL 12, with flatwind and pchamfer options. Tuning is suggested to be 32 hz and box size between 1.8-2.5 ft^3 I can't go much bigger due to trunk opening, and for that reason I am building to boxes of the same size and putting them in the trunk that way. I mainly listen to Rap/ Hip Hop and Hanna Montana ( ) These will be facing towards the seat so that the plexi rear is visible when opening the trunk. I know this is not the best position but it'll do. I also wonder if I should port to the rear (which i think i read is wrong) or port the the speaker side towards the seats. And if I want some boominess, I can lower my rear seats.
  18. I'm curious, because I dont know. If the High pass is cutting off the frequency at 60 hz ( i assume this is sloped and affects the frequencies nearby aka 59, 61 etc.) And the Low pass is cutting off the frequency at 60 hz Who's covering 60 Hz?
  19. frankyp00

    Buying a meter

    What ever came of this? I saw the same kit on ebay. If it is comparible to the termlab that is used in competition, then it would be something cheap to play around with at home. I'm not looking for 170 db anyway so playing in the 140-150 range wouldn't be too bad
  20. I have ordered 2 Fi BL 12's Dual 2 ohm coils, with the Pchamfer, Flatwind, and daily option. The box is being built this week. I'm deciding on an amp to power them. Currently I have a Kenwood 9152D (supposed to be 900 RMS @ 2 ohms and 900 RMS @ 1 Ohm) So I thought perhaps getting another 9152 and strapping them together but that would under power the subs cause I know i'm not hitting 14.4 volts The 3 amps I've narrowed my interest to are Kicker ZX2500.1 (2500 RMS @ 2 ohms) supposed to be underrated MTX TA92001 (2000 RMS @ 2 ohms, 3000 RMS @ 1 ohm) dunno if this one is underrated? SSA 3000D (1600 RMS @ 2 ohms, 3000 RMS @ 1 ohm The Kicker gives me the perfect amount of power at the right ohms (2) The MTX is close behind at 2 ohms, and sparks my attention, being that it has .5% distortion and most amps of this type are 1% distortion and lots of other good features, so this is the way i'm leaning but thought I'd get an opinion. And then theres the nice SA 3000D, a bit low on the power at 2 ohms, but like the MTX, leaves room for changes at the 1 ohm mark Since I chose the dual 2 ohm subs, my options are .5 ohms and 2 ohms, so if anyone knows a good .5 ohm am then let me know. These can all be had at similar prices so that is why i'm looking at these
  21. frankyp00

    DC Sound Lab or Batcap

    The specs and design for the DC Sound Lab LFB-2k are exactly the same as the Batcap 2000 and the price is too. So my questions is, are these the same? I've been looking at The Batcap 2000 for a while, so perhaps someone may persuade me towards a DC Sound Lab.
  22. Yeah this ones been on my mind. I think I'm sold. Gives me better options for later anyway. Any idea how many amps 2 of these pull? I'm pretty much building the system and the car at the same time. It's a new Sonata, so finding an alternator so far is my 1st quest, not sure what the alt puts out stock. I've done the big 2 ?!. Haha (The alternator wire runs in an awful manner under the engine, so I'll figure out what i'm doing with the alternator and then switch it out. I've done lots of looking at batteries. I like kinetic, but Batcap seems to have intruiged me, once again I'll ask for opinions for batteries? Thanks guys. Sold me on the 1500D's haha (just needed a nudge)
  23. frankyp00


    Incorrect. It simply makes the woofer more prone to peaking. IE in a ported application, you would need a slightly lower tune to remove the peakiness of the flatwind option sub. The flatwind sub will however (due to being more peaky) show more gains due to a "higher" tuned set-up. I listen to Rap/Hip Hop Some say it lowers SQ so that's why I'm confused. So what you are basically saying is instead of porting and tuning it to about 32Hz, that with the Flatwind option it should be tuned lower? I just purchased 2 BL 12's with the Flatwind, Pchamfer and Daily option. Still working on the ports for the box. Dimensions are done though, just haven't figured out the tuning yet.
  24. frankyp00


    I've read and read. Perhaps under the explaination of options, this could be added to the flatwinds description if it holds out to be true: Does Flatwind add power handling and excursion at the expense of sound quality?