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Everything posted by Duran

  1. Duran

    Us amps 2000x?

    Amps don't blow subs, nuts controlling the volume knob do.
  2. Duran

    Sub woofer cone area chart

    No, you still need to look at the Sd given in the T/S parameters.
  3. Duran

    DC Level 5 15"

    Are you measuring directly at the terminals? Your positive it's a D2?
  4. Duran

    DD black friday

    I wantz a 6" coil 21" Z for teh deebeez, it's impedance rises to about 20 ohms, so it's extra loud
  5. Duran

    15 btl help please

    "louder" for what?
  6. I have a set of the CS60CF's
  7. Duran

    DD black friday

    I wans 27 9918Z's and 14,000 M1A's for teh powaz. Imma bust out da deebeez
  8. Duran

    12 or 15 ? Need help

    Well, very few people have experience with the N2 so it's very hard to tell
  9. Duran

    12 or 15 ? Need help

    If you don't upgrade power and stick with the 1500 watts I'd go for a 12", if you want to step it up to 2500 though I'd swing the 15". The 12" would be impressive, with the efficiency of a larger enclosure, especially in your small car
  10. Duran

    component sound dull on high volume

    Your factory radio outputs probably about 10 watts, which is almost nothing really, is there any distortion at high volumes? Where are they mounted?
  11. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    That was a pretty good nap, fell asleep in my chair at work. Damn turkey
  12. Duran

    SSA Blackout Special!!!! | EXTENTED! Thru Sunday&#

    The XCON 18" price is wack-o too lol, it says $299.00 $379.99. Should be $399.00 eh?
  13. Do you want to stay passive?
  14. If they were broken I'd take the motors off your hands
  15. You have a gain knob
  16. Duran

    4" coil option for BL Series

    Take your time, cause I want N series pics too
  17. Duran

    Daily System Power

    Human ears, at sub-bass frequencies especially, are extremely inaccurate.
  18. Duran

    4" coil option for BL Series

    I want pictures Mr. Atwell
  19. Duran

    wuts up on the punisher ssa subs?

    They are "special" You never know what you might see though.
  20. Duran

    xcon on 1000watts?

    The XCON will be more loud because of it's efficiency.
  21. Duran

    xcon on 1000watts?

    To a meter, yes, to your ear, no. If you sense a difference, it's psycho-acoustics
  22. Current follows the path of least resistance, so if impedance is the same, power is divided equally So.... for sake of convo does that mean that 10 speakers (4 ohm) wired together to 1 1000W (@ 4ohm) amp will see 100w per speaker? If total resistance is the same, including wire, and you wire to 4 ohms nominal, yes.
  23. Current follows the path of least resistance, so if impedance is the same, power is divided equally