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Everything posted by Duran

  1. Duran

    BanginGMC's Build Log | The Rebuild

    It's dumb to cover the whole panel in dampener, 25% coverage is all that's needed. see i understand the 25% idea but at the same time i am one of those people who go overboard on everything. i sound deadened my whole truck (minus roof, i ran out) ensolite and MLV. i really enjoy it for when i turn the radio off and have a phone call like i'm in a sound proof chamber. still waiting to see how the AA mids turn out That's the MLV right there, that you DO want to go overboard with
  2. Duran

    BanginGMC's Build Log | The Rebuild

    It's dumb to cover the whole panel in dampener, 25% coverage is all that's needed.
  3. Duran

    Surround Sound in Vehicle

    Exactly...the sound is coming from the "stage" Have you ever been to a concert or live performance and felt it lacked surround sound? I highly doubt it
  4. Duran

    Surround Sound in Vehicle

    It's personal preference, but must of the music recorded is not in surround, that defeats the purpose of having speakers behind you. If you are focusing on the fronts the goal is to create a "stage" that would simulate a live performance
  5. Duran

    single xcon 18 vs 2 icon 12s

    Seal it, I bet you'd be surprised.
  6. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Crush him with teh BTL, it can me done Lol you should recone the BTL to look like a funky pup Too bad I didn't get a dustcap when they were available I got some. Surround change? Nope. Different drivers. Notice one has a paper cone and the other two have poly cones. I may have to get some of those stickers made
  7. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Me head was fine, I've never gotten a hangover but my stomach was upset and I was running a fever Translation, I've never been drunk. Just wait, you'll get older some day and everything changes I have on many occasions, never had a reaction like that, I am assuming it was old ice or something else I ate
  8. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I blame the mixer Simple Crown and Coke, mostly Crown, a little Coke for flavor
  9. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Crush him with teh BTL, it can me done Moar port, deadening, couple more interior panels removed...152 is my target this year. Oh port 10 inch port just plopped in and leaky gained 0.8...should get me close to the target People don't realize how important the port is, lol And box volume. I have some ideas now and I need more power to be able to confirm them. Basically it all started when I noticed that for a certain volume / power combo from one point on, more port area doesn't help Would you mind sharing your insight? Privately if need be
  10. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    We are getting close to 75 bogus accounts a day that are not validating. There were 105 trying to validate on CLZZ earlier today Damnit, and some still pass the tests and get to post. Most do not, I'm surprised those few that made topics were able to get through
  11. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Crush him with teh BTL, it can me done Moar port, deadening, couple more interior panels removed...152 is my target this year. Oh port 10 inch port just plopped in and leaky gained 0.8...should get me close to the target People don't realize how important the port is, lol
  12. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Me head was fine, I've never gotten a hangover but my stomach was upset and I was running a fever Bad ice with the Crown? friend had that happen... moldy ice.. threw away the moldy parts then used the non ended up getting hella sick. Hey I think that was it, I did use old ice
  13. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    We are getting close to 75 bogus accounts a day that are not validating. There were 105 trying to validate on CLZZ earlier today
  14. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Me head was fine, I've never gotten a hangover but my stomach was upset and I was running a fever
  15. Duran

    Spam topics / posts

    I had 105 spam bots trying to register on CLZZ in the past 24 hours
  16. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I feel like I just woke up from a coma, I never get hangovers but that bottle of crown and my stomach didn't agree with eachother
  17. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Crush him with teh BTL, it can me done Moar port, deadening, couple more interior panels removed...152 is my target this year. Oh port
  18. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I've personally played with a SounDigital 16Kw in a team mates Durango, daily driven at 4 ohms nominal(which we clamped at 10,600 watts with rise to 6.6 ohms), for competitions he drops it to 1 ohm nominal and needless to say needs recones for his pair of 18's after lol. All the SounDigital's have a lifetime warranty too. That's why I said they don't look as reliable. I have yet to get my hands on one so my comments are based on detailed gut pics It hasn't had a single problem, I was doubtful at first. "Umm, you're gonna do 16Kw from dual 1/0 inputs?" I was completely blown away
  19. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Was Sailor Jerry's birthday yesterday I drank a bottle for him last night. Great Mind's Drink Alike! We sure do. I am enjoying teh Crown Royal tonight. I polished off the rest of my bottle last night, t'was yummay
  20. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Crush him with teh BTL, it can me done
  21. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I've personally played with a SounDigital 16Kw in a team mates Durango, daily driven at 4 ohms nominal(which we clamped at 10,600 watts with rise to 6.6 ohms), for competitions he drops it to 1 ohm nominal and needless to say needs recones for his pair of 18's after lol. All the SounDigital's have a lifetime warranty too.
  22. Duran

    loudest $300 sub

    They can be made to sound wonderful Just like with any sub, it just takes more effort and know-how. You said it well, it applies to ANY speaker.
  23. Duran

    loudest $300 sub

    They can be made to sound wonderful
  24. Duran

    Sundown amp question

    *Closed upon request*
  25. Duran

    New cans

    Nice I enjoy a pair of Grado SR225's myself