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Everything posted by Duran

  1. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Being on 3rd shift I don't get much, but as soon as the daytime bitches roll in.... Maybe something in the air or water. Maybe jealousy, cause we get shit done, while they make a good 5K more a year at least
  2. Duran

    Happy Birthday Duran

    Thank you gentlemen
  3. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Being on 3rd shift I don't get much, but as soon as the daytime bitches roll in....
  4. Duran

    Big Ports.

    They are only peaky if you make them peaky.
  5. Duran

    Big Ports.

    Have you been listening to Alan again? Not quite. lol I haven't talked to him in months. I've been building alot of boxes lately with fairly substantial, 20-22^2 per cube is what it works out to, ports and have see nothing but success. Usually a very flat response, usually within a single db from 28Hz-55Hz with a tuning around 33Hz-35Hz. But yes, if the design itself isn't right the woofers will unload FAR easier then a box with a small port. But there are ways to counter act most unloading issues. If your having success with designs, why question them? We both know we've got these designs down pat, some people are just jealous
  6. Let's keep the small talk out fellas, thank you for your feedback 00WJGC.
  7. Duran

    Big Ports.

    Have you been listening to Alan again?
  8. Duran

    loudest $300 sub

    On the contrary, you just made yourself look ignorant. You're assuming people went from SA's TO AQ's. This was not the case. SA's were put into the AQ boxes. So I guess the SA's are WAY better because they do better in the wrong box when the AQ as an optimal box. Actually that's quite an accomplishment, way to prove him right.
  9. Duran

    Extremely Disappointed

    You guys are arguing a different perspective, but coming to the same conclusion. Wave shape differs, power remains the same, but the time at which said power is applied is LONGER with the square wave vs. a sin wave, how are you guys not seeing this?
  10. Duran

    My fully loaded BL 15" lost its loudness. What happened?

    It's a wire, somewhere...
  11. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    That's like the argument I have for people who say grammar isn't important. "Let's eat, grandpa" vs. "Let's eat grandpa". One small symbol makes the difference between eating WITH your grandpa and eating your grandpa! Haha!
  12. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Man sledding??? Sorry, but my boat doesn't rock that way....
  13. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    SSA time, right?
  14. I'd pick the N2, Fi has toned down the BTL N2 a bit from the beast the Gen 2 was, better for daily now.
  15. Duran

    re xxx re cone

    Old or new design?
  16. Duran

    Sundown SA12 vs Skar 12

    They were designed by Jacob at Sundown. They are quite similar, not copies, more like cousins. That doesn't necessarily make them cousins either. For legal reasons I can't mention names, but there is a big name manufacturer that has 1 line of subs designed and built by somebody else, who owns another manufacturer. If you looked at a driver from each manufacturer, you couldn't tell they were designed by the same person unless you know 2 very specific things to look for. In this case, there are some similar design methods, but that isn't always the case. I believe I know who you mean, were the designs originally stolen from someone else? Lulz.
  17. Duran

    Sundown SA12 vs Skar 12

    They were designed by Jacob at Sundown. They are quite similar, not copies, more like cousins.
  18. Duran

    My New Subs...again! lol D.A.D. BD Series subs!

    Those are T3 spiders, interesting...
  19. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    How bout some Kobe Beef?
  20. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    There is a whole thread for food over on HAF
  21. Duran

    Question about my order

    My woofa remains unfinished
  22. Duran

    monte carlo ss wall build

    you have no idea how bad i wanna go!! only problem is all four 15's are brand new and will not see any power until this friday. taking virgin subs to Casper=coming home with blown subs. I'm going to take her easy for a week or two before i unleash Hell !! They won't have any problem, if anything they are stronger now than when they are broken in. The suspension is the stiffest it will ever be. really?.... Hu, I have always been told to break in your subs before reaching high levels. I dunno now, i may just go depending on if i can get off work in time Digital Designs and AudioQue have been preaching that for years, honestly the only way I can see it is that their suspensions are SO stiff, due to 4+ laminated spiders per woofer, their glue joints break because the suspension won't allow enough travel, that trait also lends to them sounding like poo, the higher series' at least.
  23. Duran

    BTL vs BL (for the daily user)

    I'll let you know how mine does on music
  24. Duran

    BTL vs BL (for the daily user)

    Fi is smart to not "hope" their customers are some of the select few who know how to treat their woofers.
  25. Duran

    BTL vs BL (for the daily user)

    There is nothing wrong with playing an n3 daily... no mechanical damage will occur from this type of use. They only listed it as a spl driver because the sound quality isn't good ib their eyes... but sound qualoty for the gen 2 was bad in their eyes too and I loved it. You have experience with the N3 then? No didn't think so, the motor force is too great for smooth response, which suggests SPL oriented. I agree with you though, I'll be running an N3 daily, that's just the way Fi wants the lines broken down. Jump on his ass to agree with him. lol. The man who designed the woofers knows more than the man who has only seen pictures. I'd rather not talk out of my ass and continue the spread of misinformation. It'd be retarded for a sub to explode because it was sent more than just a single frequency. It won't explode, but you can certainly scrape a coil.