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Everything posted by Duran

  1. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I was wondering who did that
  2. Duran

    triple stack BTL

    Since you don't know what you're looking for, no.
  3. Who needs the trunk? I'm stuffing an 18" into mine.
  4. Duran

    triple stack BTL

    All of them have vent hole sin the baskets, the grooves you saw are the six axial cooling vents in the motor, you are correct.
  5. Duran

    triple stack BTL

    How about your friend sends you a picture and you post it here...?
  6. DCON's really shine when you port them.
  7. Duran

    Port Area

    Right, why listen to the guy who helped design the driver, has been using them for 4 months before a consumer did, continues to improve them, and is part of the reason why the driver he's using is the way it is. Clearly, a generic calculator is the best option, it knows more than I do about the sub. It's not generic if it uses woofer parameters to calculate port area. You need to go back to English class and learn the definition of "generic".
  8. Duran

    Port Area

    Try the link now, sorry, lol
  9. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I'm not religious, and you just made me "Amen"
  10. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    What's weird is I remember the name from other forums and for some reason thought he was fairly not-stupid. But for fuck's sake, all I've done the past couple weeks is go rounds with him, which makes me want to bash my head against a wall because he just does not get it ("it" being whatever we are discussing) and changes the topic of the argument to what he wants to argue about when he knows he can't actually respond. So you end up arguing something irrelevant to the original conversation. He seems to know a thing or two, I'm still about ready to drop kick him in the testes
  11. Duran

    Port Area

    I wouldn't go over 12 sq in per cube, and not less than 8 sq in per cube for any reason Derka DURRRR!!!!! I hope people aren't listening to your verbal diarrhea. OP, use this to calculate port area.
  12. Duran

    double/triple layering

    I'd rather brace, much less weight, and an unmeasurable amount of loses vs. layering.
  13. Duran

    Sundown X-12 Prototype

    Fs won't play that big a part in the sub bass game either So a sub with a 45 hz fs will play 20 hz just like a sub with a 30 hz fs? In an anechoic environment, no, in an enclosure is a different story. Do you listen to your music in an anechoic room? In an enclosure, same story. A sub with a 45 hz Fs in a box tuned to 20 hz and playing 20 hz will sound like ass across the board. It will play it sure, but the frequency response will just be a gradual taper down to the playing frequency. If it were say, a 40 hz tune box, it would be relatively flat response till below tuning, where it would fall off quickly. There is a reason home theater drivers have a 15-20 hz Fs and similar tuning. Playing a full octave below Fs just won't have authority. Would it blow your mind if I had one? Apples to oranges No need to be a smart ass, I needed to clarify that looking at Fs alone should never rule out a woofer.
  14. Duran

    Sundown X-12 Prototype

    Fs won't play that big a part in the sub bass game either So a sub with a 45 hz fs will play 20 hz just like a sub with a 30 hz fs? In an anechoic environment, no, in an enclosure is a different story. Do you listen to your music in an anechoic room?
  15. Duran

    need fi btl 15 specs 2010 model

    They aren't the same, mixing them will result in diarrhea coming out of your enclosure
  16. Duran

    When are the new SSD subs gonna come out?

    Why would they do that?
  17. Duran

    Sundown X-12 Prototype

    Fs won't play that big a part in the sub bass game either
  18. Duran

    fi n3 tunning?

    Tune 5 hz. or so below the resonant frequency of your vehicle. Fs. has nothing to do with it.
  19. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    People are trollin' that one HARD
  20. Duran

    Upgrade from a W6

    Unfortunately it's release got pushed back a bit, it shouldn't be too long though.
  21. If loudness is your goal, the N2 18" will be your best bet in most cases. We however do not condone being a public menace, doing so causes laws and regulations to be passed against audio.
  22. Duran

    Upgrade from a W6

    Fi BTL N1. Or throw another W6 in.
  23. Duran

    Question about my order

    I'll be sure to give you feedback Scott, thank you.
  24. Duran

    2011 International Snow Sculpting Championship

    Nice hat Oh yeah the sculptures are cool too...
  25. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    All overkill for that...by a lot. So funny. When I ask on another site, those are the bare minimum for comfort/sound. Here... overkill. That's why I am on a billion boards. What would you recomend? Min for music ok, but gaming? I'd save some dough, but only because fidelity and gaming I just don't follow PS3 games are Blu-Ray format, so there is still tons of room for excellent audio, it's better quality than most movies