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Everything posted by Duran

  1. Duran

    Dinner is Served

    Ive seen that on a 15" Crossfire BMF...I took it apart today.
  2. Duran

    DD3518 in a small car

    I hate to draw attention to this, but is it really necessary? X2. WTF? Holy spam batman!
  3. Duran

    Hey from Canada

    Welcome! You will learn tons, but only if you ask!
  4. Duran

    2 Fi SSD 12s Vs. 2 Kicker CVX 12s

    Dream on buddy, dream on.
  5. Duran

    2 Fi SSD 12s Vs. 2 Kicker CVX 12s

    Yeah, that's very true. just like all the other big names, JL, Rockford, MTX...They spend their money on marketing, not on making quality products! SPL IS their main quality though...
  6. Duran

    2 Fi SSD 12s Vs. 2 Kicker CVX 12s

    What? The SPL thing?
  7. Duran

    2 Fi SSD 12s Vs. 2 Kicker CVX 12s

    I realize that is an application/enclosure dependent statement, but 95% of the time people buy them to get loud, not sound good.
  8. Duran

    2 Fi SSD 12s Vs. 2 Kicker CVX 12s

    Yeah, maybe because Kicker is SPL oriented.
  9. Duran

    2 Fi SSD 12s Vs. 2 Kicker CVX 12s

    The only problem with that is we are talking about SSD's and CVX's.
  10. Duran

    2 Fi SSD 12s Vs. 2 Kicker CVX 12s

    have you heard an ssd? i know you own kickers.. and that maybe the reason you on the wagon.... i dont own ssd's but i have heard a single 12 in a friends truck in a ported box..... it owns 2 cvr's do da do da C'mon Jon, I know you are more knowledgeable than that. It is not easy to compare woofers and be unbiased. I'm not on the wagon, I just run them because I prefer the sound. If you aren't going to put more power to your subs, don't get SSD's they wont be worth it if you keep the same amp. you may be the only person i have ever heard that enjoys the way comp VRs sound... but to each his own I agree with that 100% Ive found the perfect position in my car for them, and I love it.
  11. Duran

    2 Fi SSD 12s Vs. 2 Kicker CVX 12s

    have you heard an ssd? i know you own kickers.. and that maybe the reason you on the wagon.... i dont own ssd's but i have heard a single 12 in a friends truck in a ported box..... it owns 2 cvr's do da do da C'mon Jon, I know you are more knowledgeable than that. It is not easy to compare woofers and be unbiased. I'm not on the wagon, I just run them because I prefer the sound. If you aren't going to put more power to your subs, don't get SSD's they wont be worth it if you keep the same amp.
  12. Duran

    2 Fi SSD 12s Vs. 2 Kicker CVX 12s

    Well for starters, the CVX's aren't made for sealed enclosures. I don't think there would be much difference, the SSD's would be a tad but louder, but not enough to be worth it.
  13. Duran

    1000D and 2 RF 15" P3's

    HAHA! That works too...
  14. Duran

    1000D and 2 RF 15" P3's

    Oh that means a lot! They handle 500 RMS. You should know that peak power doesn't mean chit. I also favor the Type-R's
  15. Duran

    Big Sundown Build

  16. Yeah, that's basically what I said.
  17. If I remember correctly your alternator will only charge up to 14.4 volts, and your car is a 12 volt system, so if you put an alternator that will charge at 16+ volts your car electronics will fry. Please correct me if I'm wrong someone.
  18. Duran

    JL Audio W1V2 or Kicker CVR10

    Ive had great times with CVR's, and good times with W1's. I'm more on Kicker's side though.
  19. Duran

    ideas on making alt post longer

    I don't understand the whole 1/0, 2/0, 3/0, and 4/0. I know they are 0, 00, 000, and 0000 respectively. But I don't know the difference between them. Can someone help me?
  20. Duran

    ideas on making alt post longer

    1/0 gauge is almost 300 amps
  21. Duran

    this guy claims to doing 169.3 db

    Suicide doors would look tight on your Lincoln! Do it Jon!
  22. Duran

    this guy claims to doing 169.3 db

    Oh, thanks Jon! Did you message him about it?
  23. Duran

    this guy claims to doing 169.3 db

    I don't see where he claims 169.3...