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Everything posted by Duran

  1. Duran

    my fisrt box help plz

    They are L5's, and the displacement is around 0.20 cubic feet.
  2. Duran

    SPL Box in a sedan Help

    It depends though, right now I have 2 12" Kicker CVR's in 2.5 cubic feet with sub and port firing up into my trunk lid with my seats down. I burped a 138.7 with only 500 watts to them.
  3. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Oh hell yeah! Especially with some of my eggs, fresh outta the chickens ass!
  4. Duran


  5. Duran

    Pioneer subs in my buddy's subaru

    Because your buddy is using MTX! Don't be silly! But seriously, Pioneer has one of the loudest if not loudest vehicles in the world.
  6. Duran

    Hi from Florida

  7. Duran

    Shorted out Sub/Amp?..messed somethin up

    nice and indepth. ill be doin that to my deck tomorrow. and i also already have a relay wired to turn on fans for my sundown amp. so ill just disconnect the fans and use that to turn on the amp and see if that stops the thumping I recommend squirrel cage fans blowing across the fins. Here is an example of what I mean. Link i dont know if that would work for my case. i have a fiberglass cover over my amp rack with four holes for the fans to pull out heat and one on top to see the amp and let air in. here is wat it looks like: http://www.geocities.com/fritosaregood/audiopulse_setup.JPG They should work for your box...
  8. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

  9. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I never really got into M*A*S*H, I just didn't find it funny.
  10. Duran


    you know better, so I dont consider you a part of the problem. you're good Thanks man! I actually started in this stuff a few years ago getting Kicker and Crossfire in my car. Then Watching Steve Meade's Tahoe bumpin' got me to look into Fi, and made me find this wonderful place we call SSA. Now I sell/install Kicker and Crossfire!
  11. Duran

    BL 15 problem

    HAHA! That would be it! What a dumbass...
  12. Duran


    Awww, that's not cool guys! I guess I'm on of those sales rep's who knows about the "little" brands out there and tries to steer people clear of expensive mainstream brands.
  13. Duran

    Shorted out Sub/Amp?..messed somethin up

    not really. there is no voltage comin out of the radio in each case Depends on the head unit. on my alpine the mute button just cuts the output to about 1/5 of what it was before the mute. Same with my Jensen
  14. Duran

    What sub to get or subs

    X2, or you could wait for the XCON's...
  15. Duran

    Thought I'd share this with you guys

    Thanks, it looks sweet.
  16. Duran

    Thinking of a setup????

    I bet cause the only ported boxes you have heard were prefabricated.
  17. Duran

    What sub to get or subs

    I think 2 10"s or 1 12" would be the MAXIMUM you could put in there, simply because you wont have much airspace There are a lot of woofers that fall into that category though
  18. Duran

    First Comp

    I can almost guarantee that's the problem. Do you seriously have those amps and not know anything about them?
  19. Duran

    RE sub

    How much will ya give me? HAHA, JK. BJ Fisher can do one for you, a cutout sheet...I believe its $12.
  20. If you have a problem, either keep it to yourself, or PM a mod or admin. Someone please delete that post, or edit it.
  21. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    That's awesome! I wanna borrow someones Gallardo!
  22. Duran

    Shorted out Sub/Amp?..messed somethin up

    Well I know a guy, and he got a new Pioneer HU and it makes the same popping sound your does, I've heard it. When He turns it to zero his door speakers pop, when he turns it on "Mute" there is no sound as he turns it off. That's why I'm so interested in tis thread, I haven't figured it out yet.
  23. Duran

    Dinner is Served

    Crunch GP Pro? If it were, then it wouldnt be the amps fault at all HAHA! Wait, are you serious???