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Everything posted by Duran

  1. Duran

    Bending MDF

    It would reduce turbulence... would there really be any, if there was it would be easier to just pour resin down the inside. since bein almost 4ft long it would be hard to fiberglass. I doubt there would be much, but resin on the sides wouldn't hurt.
  2. Duran

    Bending MDF

    It would reduce turbulence...
  3. Duran

    Bending MDF

    Are you gonna fiberglass the inside of that?
  4. Duran

    Pictures of my Explorer ..All kicker....

    How did you come up with that? That is absurd!
  5. Badass Steve, I want to hear it! I might have to take a road trip next summer
  6. Duran

    Tahoe Help

    Hey Rob, What would be peak power on the BL's? Peak power means nothing. Peak RMS Power however gets over 1500 watts in the right enclosure, if you want more power get a BTL. I would but i dont really have the money to get everything the BTL would require. The BTL doesn't NEED 2000+ watts to get loud.
  7. Duran

    Beefy 10"

    ~1300 watts RMS depending on enclosure.
  8. Duran

    Pictures of my Explorer ..All kicker....

    The RMS alone has no bearing on how loud a sub will be. Hypothetically, if you have a 150 watt RMS speaker which was 91 db efficient and put 150 watts on it and a 300 watt RMS speaker that was 87 db efficient and put 300 watts on it, which would be louder? Comp's are 89 dB efficient and 20 mm of xmax, and CompVR's are 86 dB efficient and 26 mm of xmax. They are built to be a better woofer, that is enclosure and install dependent, but theoretically a better woofer.
  9. Duran

    Time to Upgrade

    X2, John had Fi BL 15's off a Sundown SAZ-3000D and did a direct swap with Nightshade 15's and they are louder. I'm running 18s not 15s Yes, I know you are. 18's are very possible with such a badass owner
  10. Duran

    Tahoe Help

    Hey Rob, What would be peak power on the BL's? Peak power means nothing. Peak RMS Power however gets over 1500 watts in the right enclosure, if you want more power get a BTL.
  11. Duran

    Time to Upgrade

    X2, John had Fi BL 15's off a Sundown SAZ-3000D and did a direct swap with Nightshade 15's and they are louder.
  12. Duran

    DC Audio Lead Wire change for 2009

    They look great.
  13. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Mornin' HOP!
  14. Duran

    Jacob Its Been Too Long Since One Of These

    Great stuff, thank you Jacob! For being such a badass!
  15. Duran

    Team Sundown is taking over

    Go Team Sundown! I hadn't seen Jacob before, I was expecting some old nerd!
  16. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

  17. Duran

    Pictures of my Explorer ..All kicker....

    Fill me in man! where's the fun in that? Ehhh Who knows?
  18. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Howdy do HOP!
  19. Duran

    Pictures of my Explorer ..All kicker....

    For realsies dude, I have no idea.
  20. Duran

    Pictures of my Explorer ..All kicker....

    What are you talking about?
  21. Duran

    Fi Sub's

  22. Duran

    Pictures of my Explorer ..All kicker....

    I think he can do it! Go 4runner!
  23. Duran

    Just got my FI BL 18"!

    We need pics to actually believe you have it