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Everything posted by Duran

  1. Duran

    SAZ-1500D keeps going into protect mode. help!

    okay well that makes sense. i gathered that it was sending the sub a dc signal from how it just went all the way down and stayed there like that. any idea what causes this or why it happens? Your answer in red.
  2. Duran

    Is bigger better?

    Don't use that rule. The port is for the woofer, not the enclosure. Design the port around what the driver needs.
  3. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    They have a phenomenal sound, I don't use them anymore since I got my SR325's
  4. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    The 3rd looks the least comfortable? Check out the freq responce on headroom Of those three, I need to figure out if the 203's are enough, or if the 555's are worth the price over the 515's, or even the 448's of ebay for a good price. Do you need closed back? If not I have some Grado SR 225's I can send your way Well it is for my office, and I cannot really have sound projecting out. Do the Grado's leak much and are they over the ear? They are over ear, but vented to the outside, IB style I was just checking them out. Look to be really nice. Is there that much music that escapes outward? Yes, quite a bit is heard outside the 'phones
  5. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I have a 15' cable for my SR325's lol
  6. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    The 3rd looks the least comfortable? Check out the freq responce on headroom Of those three, I need to figure out if the 203's are enough, or if the 555's are worth the price over the 515's, or even the 448's of ebay for a good price. Do you need closed back? If not I have some Grado SR 225's I can send your way Well it is for my office, and I cannot really have sound projecting out. Do the Grado's leak much and are they over the ear? They are over ear, but vented to the outside, IB style
  7. Duran

    BTL questions

    my N2 18 has 6 spiders I was told by Nick that they have 5, the same suspension as the new BL. My N3 has 7 spiders, because I ordered it that way. Stock is 5.
  8. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    The 3rd looks the least comfortable? Check out the freq responce on headroom Of those three, I need to figure out if the 203's are enough, or if the 555's are worth the price over the 515's, or even the 448's of ebay for a good price. Do you need closed back? If not I have some Grado SR 225's I can send your way
  9. Duran

    4th order for a Warden/ Will it work?

    I imagine response in a horn would be quite good, it will be very large due to the immense cone area though, just as you said earlier.
  10. Duran

    How is it coming along?

    They have always been kraft pulp paper cones.
  11. Duran

    4th order for a Warden/ Will it work?

    So you'd like to build a less effective enclosure to "try" something different? And you don't have room for a horn, not even close so scratch that. A folded or tapered horn could work, it'll just take dome time on Hornresp.
  12. Duran

    Why do i peak higher now ?

    I'm sure "Rated Power" was much less than what it was set at....
  13. Duran

    Why do i peak higher now ?

    So it just has to do with the sub/box? Yes, different woofers will peak differently in the same enclosure.
  14. Duran

    Why do i peak higher now ?

    It probably peaks higher, flex is no indication of peak frequency.
  15. Duran

    4th order for a Warden/ Will it work?

    Build what gets you the responce you desire.
  16. That was sarcasm, a knock on the AudioQue suspension.
  17. Duran

    4th order for a Warden/ Will it work?

    4th order bandpass or 4th order vented?
  18. Having 28 lamented spiders helps too!
  19. I have a feeling its vibrations from the amp being mounted on the enclosure, if so some rubber mounting feet will help.
  20. Duran

    fi q15

    They haven't changed again in the last month, they probably just re-rated the new version.
  21. They are the same motor and same coil, I see no reason why they would be rated differently.
  22. Duran

    DD 9518Z enclosure ideas

    Send T/S specs to Josh, he'll tell you what's best.
  23. Duran


    Shipping won't be bad, as it cones from Vegas.
  24. Duran

    Help with a Dual SA8 box?

    Indeed. The excitement of air, and coupling it with it's surroundings is the purpose of the port. Vent mach is the velocity of the air in the port. I tend to use the displacement capabilities of the woofer(s) being used to determine the port you need, rather than looking at the vent mach.