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Everything posted by Duran

  1. Duran

    2 SPL 12's and a BIG port

    Port area= numbers (generally)
  2. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Fuckin' A I'm confused. My "ex" girlfriend and I are still pretty much together, what the hell is with girls??? We are the exact same as when we were dating we just haven't had sex since we went on this break bullshit! ARRRRRRGGGGGGGGG make up your mind woman I haven't been laid in 22 days now!!!!! I'm going through withdrawls!
  3. Duran

    SAZ-3000D @ .5Ω load daily

    o i c. Thanks for the detailed answer. So what should I keep my voltage above?
  4. Duran

    Sundown Audio's Results

    Good job Jacob! Woot woot!
  5. Duran

    RCA wire next to power wire

    Yes it can interfere. There is current going through the power wire, and if there is not sufficient shielding on the RCA's they will pick up some static. Normally the static goes with your RPM's, meaning as you increase RPM's your alternator is putting out more power increasing voltage in the power wire and that can get into your RCA's too.
  6. Duran

    Dustcap color options

    You could powdercoat it yourself... I'll sell you a powercoating system im not into this whole powdercoating thing, but for intrests sake how much does a set up like that go for? ~ $100
  7. Duran

    fosgate t2000

    No problem. Good job double checking with us on your part.
  8. Duran

    fosgate t2000

    Ummm no. He needs to order D1 ohm.
  9. Duran

    SPL S3 Vs. Nightshade

    Well I former friend of mine is finally getting some gear, and he is being his normal self and competing with me. Hi got 2 15"s of these: http://www.splusa.net/SW_S3.htm And he is saying that he is gonna walk all over my 12" Nightshades and 3000D. Is he that pig headed? Yes I think so; he is convinced that any 15" is gonna be louder than a 12". I think he knows I'm gonna be louder than him so he is mad about it...or maybe its cause I'm dating his ex This kid also doesn't know anything about car audio, Ive tried to teach him but he is thick skulled. Any Input?
  10. Duran

    SPL S3 Vs. Nightshade

    Jacob recommends a maximum of 1.5 cubes for these.
  11. Duran

    lol to my friend

    Future forum member? I think so...
  12. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Ehh I think I'm okay, not really sure though... I would tell you guys the whole story, but I'd rather not bore you with my high school drama; and I would be here for hours typing.
  13. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    It's official now. I'm single. Fuck.
  14. If you think its worth it. You have my vote.
  15. Duran

    What happened here?

    ... ...
  16. Duran

    Fi BL 10 Box Tuning for Sedan

    How about you do a normal slot vent?
  17. You are gonna trade those in and pay $100 for a XXX? Before you make a mistake, try a switch to a low tuned ported box. W7's are low end monsters it you give them a good enclosure.
  18. Duran

    E30 BMW Sub Install

    It's good you are trying to make a difference, good job not conforming
  19. Duran

    SPL S3 Vs. Nightshade

    One of my Intimidator's got here, its HUGE! I'm talking to Dylan from Fisher Customs about a design too
  20. Duran

    Dustcap color options

    You could powdercoat it yourself... I'll sell you a powercoating system
  21. Duran

    E30 BMW Sub Install

  22. Duran

    E30 BMW Sub Install

    Yes there could be better equipment in there, but if it satisfies your musical needs don't let the other guys get you down. Looks great
  23. Duran

    Newbie out of N. GA

  24. Duran

    opinions wanted

    It looks...loud!
  25. Duran

    What happened here?

    Now we don't have to kill you