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Everything posted by Duran

  1. Duran

    1000 dB!

    It was Krakatoa in Indonesia. It blew in 1883 and sent a shock wave around the earth 7 times. The sound was at 180db from 100 miles away, injuring ships crews in the area, and the bang was heard 3,000 miles away. The sound killed whoever or whatever wasn't burned or drowned. Wasn't a good day. Yup that would be the one!
  2. Duran

    1000 dB!

    An island volcano which forget the name of erupted and created 250+ decibels. The echo was heard for MONTHS after.
  3. Duran

    Toyota Corolla

    The SS was discontinued and replaced by the QS. I'm guessing they are better then or equal to the SS.
  4. im going to find that out now, when did the upgrades start? around what month? I believe he started in early December. I had my Nighshade 12's upgraded in August, so it was way sooner than December. You had them upgraded. I'm talking about when the longer coil and cooling became "stock".
  5. You fail. I love my full touch screen It's nothing against them, and I love them aswell. I just prefer buttons.
  6. im going to find that out now, when did the upgrades start? around what month? I believe he started in early December.
  7. As far as I know there is no physical difference that you can see from the outside. It is a longer coil and some extra cooling. When was it purchased? Maybe Jake will chime in too.
  8. Duran

    Taste my 8

    That is a massive port
  9. Duran


    Welcome from the potato state!
  10. Duran

    Will this enclosure work?

    He is talking about cabin gain. That will happen with all subwoofers.
  11. Duran

    Life after Death?!?

    if we could make an XCON 10", I would agree No XCON 10's???
  12. Duran

    Life after Death?!?

    I think XCON 10's would be more appropriate. Beautiful none the less
  13. Duran

    BL vs. Q

    Yes, correct. Some would advice you to fuse the alt to batt wire, personally I don't.
  14. I really like the Blackberry 8820, it would be $149 up front then $74.98 monthly...I like it!
  15. If it's a blackberry I would prefer to get the internet and stuff, I would also prefer T-mobile if i decide on a Blackberry. Any phones that you think I would like anybody? I would prefer to stray away from full touch screens also.
  16. It doesn't sound worth it, I want it as cheap as possible yet stylish. With my texting also.
  17. Same with the Blackberry, that is with the $80 though.
  18. Duran

    death of a death penalty 21?

    Sure can
  19. Duran

    death of a death penalty 21?

    By no means is it dead...It happens with pressure. Superglue will work but a new dustcap would be better
  20. Duran


    It's really good quality stuff...My boss used to sell it, it was too expensive/high end for everyday listeners so he didn't sell much.
  21. http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...p?showtopic=200
  22. Hmm 4 cubes at 35 Hz? My box has caught on
  23. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Thanks. Happy birfday Sean
  24. Do you know what the big 3 is exactly?