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Everything posted by Duran

  1. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Happy birfday!!!!!
  2. Duran

    BMW 323ci

    Read through the whole thread a while ago...it's beautiful.
  3. Duran

    New to the Board

    Welcome to SSA
  4. Duran

    SAE-1200D V.2 Teaser Pics !

    Don't hold your breath. He's not making that series, at least not with the same crossovers.
  5. Duran

    Box Help

    Why are you putting a jack in the enclosure...?
  6. Duran


    If you know how to set the amp correctly and have the BL's in the right enclosure they will handle it. Oh and FYI the birthsheet means absolutely nothing. Rockford will make let's say 200 of the same amp, pull one off and test it. Whatever it does they print on all the birthsheets.
  7. Duran

    Improving SPL

    Burp higher, more port, more airspace, more woofer, more power. Is everything braced well? 45 the corners?
  8. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    the fab work in that car is gorgeous Woah... O.o
  9. Duran


    The BL's should handle the power.
  10. Autotek MM1000.1D. This box was a test to see if I am capable of porting. http://by113w.bay113...CBEA5BAB595A90| http://by113w.bay113...CBEA5BB8E38A50| A link to your email won't do anything for us. When I click on your link it opens up MY email.
  11. Duran

    Ported box with no Sub Sonic Filter.

    deep bass rap, LOL, that isn't deep There are a lot of rap songs with deep bass. What's deep to you? It's not deep on the musical spectrum, bass itself isn't. Unless you listen to pipe organ music you don't listen to anything deep. So what do you all play that's deep? Sin waves? Why are you asking? Most people don't play stuff that deep. Just curious and trying to figure out what is deep that people actually play if rap isn't deep. It appears almost everyone with a ported box uses an SSF, but if rap isn't that deep what are they playing that requires them to use one. No the problem is with idiots that don't know the limits of their equipment. Not that people are playing really "deep" stuff but that they are causing mechanical damage, it doesn't have to be "deep" stuff to cause damage. Subsonic filters are made so you don't break equipment.
  12. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    x2, i don't think the a .17 hmr neck is going to hold the pressure levels generated in a bmg case for some reason... It's a photo chop, can't believe anyone would spend the time/effort/money to actually do that. Yeah the shadows don't match.
  13. Duran

    Ported box with no Sub Sonic Filter.

    deep bass rap, LOL, that isn't deep There are a lot of rap songs with deep bass. What's deep to you? It's not deep on the musical spectrum, bass itself isn't. Unless you listen to pipe organ music you don't listen to anything deep. So what do you all play that's deep? Sin waves? Why are you asking? Most people don't play stuff that deep.
  14. Duran

    Noob question

    Active requires one channel of amplification per speaker with it's own crossovers vs. passive where you can have "sets" of speakers on one crossover like components and coaxials.
  15. Duran

    Ported box with no Sub Sonic Filter.

    deep bass rap, LOL, that isn't deep There are a lot of rap songs with deep bass. What's deep to you? It's not deep on the musical spectrum, bass itself isn't. Unless you listen to pipe organ music you don't listen to anything deep.
  16. Duran

    Where is the BTL recones at??

    BTL's aren't there Nick.
  17. I'm talking about soldering and crimping.
  18. Subwoofers don't make power. Why do you need something larger than a BTL...?
  19. Duran

    can u hear the difference?

    There should be an audible difference.
  20. Duran

    Where is the BTL recones at??

    Hahahahahaha you won't be winning anything with a XXX, the recone page is down email [email protected] OR [email protected] and they'll help you out.
  21. Duran

    IA warden vs DDz

    i seen a few of your vids with the 4 15's on utube ... im working on the build for 4 warden 15's right now ... so brace your self ooooh and look me up on utube beajay25 .. i got about 20 vids on there So your the annoying guy that compared the BTL's and Level 5's...how you got 155 DECIMALS with the BTL's, and how they have "little" motors. VOLTAGE + PROPER ENCLOSER + PROPER PORT + PROPER POWER = SPL Exactly...you didn't need to go buy Level 5's to get louder, just set them up the right way.
  22. There was only one ring terminal I didnt crimp. I had already soldered it up before I realized it wasnt crimped. Thats what I get for going to fast. The connection is weaker, 1/0 is hard to get totally soldered. I was afraid of that. If it makes any difference it was on a ground. Ya, it was kinda pissin me off. That combined with the norcal heat...it was beer thirty! Ouch that makes it worse. You can never have too much ground.
  23. Duran

    2 or 4-ohm

    They come in D1 and D2 only. For the Kicker you'll want D1 ohm and wire it to 2 ohms.
  24. There was only one ring terminal I didnt crimp. I had already soldered it up before I realized it wasnt crimped. Thats what I get for going to fast. The connection is weaker, 1/0 is hard to get totally soldered.