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Everything posted by Duran

  1. Duran

    Best Loud SQ Sub

    I'm not associated with Sound Solutions Audio, no. You can't find many reviews because it's a newer subwoofer. There are several XCON owners on this forum you could talk too, would you like to contact them?
  2. Duran

    Best Loud SQ Sub

    They perform optimally in 4.00 Ft.3 tuned between 26 and 33 Hz.
  3. Duran

    Best Loud SQ Sub

    Baised on your goals and listening preferences I recommend the SSA XCON in a low tuned enclosure a well.
  4. Duran

    Best Loud SQ Sub

    Tell us more about what you really want. Provide some realistic goals.
  5. Duran

    what should i do?

    He said his current enclosure is tuned to 36 Hz. and he wants it lower.
  6. Duran

    what should i do?

    so what are the demisions on that and thanks. 16x16x39 how many and what size and how long aeros is that running? It is a slot port, in the enclosure.
  7. ^^ That's the most intelligent thing I've ever heard Maxxsonics say lol
  8. Duran

    what should i do?

    so what are the demisions on that and thanks. 16x16x39
  9. Duran

    what should i do?

    I just designed you one that is 3.01 Ft.3 after port and sub displacements with 36.25 In.2 port area tuned to 29.50 Hz.
  10. You can't go wrong with Sundown. Not to sound pompous, or full of ourselves here, but before you buy, ask us here. We won't try to peddle you a product, or give you false information. A bunch of good guys here. Cheers!
  11. Duran

    wiring active help

    yes they do Then you can't do active. Unless you cut the crossover out. Right. If you hook them up to your amp that would be passive. In order to do active you remove the crossover and hook up each speaker to a separate channel. You can only have 4 speakers with that amp. Head Unit --> Crossover --> Amplifier --> Speakers per speaker correct? You won't need an external crossover with that amp, it has all the needed crossover settings built in. so i should just run the front with the amp and the rear 6X9 from the deck? would you run the system passive or active? Ditch the rears. For you I recommend passive.
  12. Duran

    why is "SQL" looked down upon, so much?

    I'm with you Ryan. It's a fucktarded acronym
  13. Duran

    wiring active help

    yes they do Then you can't do active. Unless you cut the crossover out. Right. If you hook them up to your amp that would be passive. In order to do active you remove the crossover and hook up each speaker to a separate channel. You can only have 4 speakers with that amp. Head Unit --> Crossover --> Amplifier --> Speakers per speaker correct? You won't need an external crossover with that amp, it has all the needed crossover settings built in.
  14. Duran

    wiring active help

    yes they do Then you can't do active. Unless you cut the crossover out. Right. If you hook them up to your amp that would be passive. In order to do active you remove the crossover and hook up each speaker to a separate channel. You can only have 4 speakers with that amp.
  15. Duran

    2.5 cu ft box in trunk problem

    The simple thing to do is make your enclosure slightly smaller than your trunk opening and make up for it in depth.
  16. Duran

    wiring active help

    Do your components have a crossover?
  17. Duran

    what should i do?

    lets try somwhere around 32-33hz and the hieght is what ever you need as long as its not more the 16w and 38 long to be safe If you want lows tune below 30 Hz.
  18. Duran

    Which Amp for 2 15"s BTL

    I disagree, I wouldn't take it as far as saying one particular one is bad, but one of them might be superior in this application.
  19. Duran

    Which Amp for 2 15"s BTL

    The SAZ-3500D would be more than enough for you.
  20. Yes the 100.4 on the midrange ant tweeters and a 125.2 on the midbass, the crossover board is explained here: http://www.sundownaudio.com/index.php/products/amplifiers/sax-1004d.html As far as the testing, Jacob is very honest, he has no need to lie to make his product look better because it's already phenomenal. Also, he has spent a long time perfecting his products, the latest 100.4 is the fourth version he's made as he constantly improves them.
  21. For active you want crossover flexibility, since this is a predominately Sundown forum, I'm gonna shove Jacob's products down your throat Look at the SAX-100.4 Version D, it is the same amp that powers my front stage, and I couldn't be more impressed. The crossovers on the amp are PHENOMAL and you would not need an external crossoverboard built in. Another member on here, bassaholic, switched form a Kicker 900.4 on his front stage to a SAX-100.4 and said it was not only cleaner but louder. Keep that in mind, the top of the line 900 watt amplifier made my Kicker outdone by an underground 400 watt amplifier. Of course that will only handle a 2 way active front stage, thats why Jacob make the SAX-125.2.
  22. Duran

    New guy here from Texas

    Welcome from Utah
  23. There is no forum search that I know of that will give results from two characters. So true Aaron, teach him the ways of the forum!