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Everything posted by Duran

  1. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Call me femanine, but if I'm not eating foodto compliment it, I usually like the fruity beers or refreshing beers, or a cider more than some "manly" beer. I'm the same way. I never had a taste for "manly" beer.
  2. Duran

    New for 2010

  3. Duran

    DC Sound Lab Jeep

    Ascendant Audio Chevy Astro - SSA Car Audio Forum
  4. Duran

    What is better?

    petented is right, if you did all the work yourself you would save a considerable amount of money, maybe even enough to buy two BTL's. The louder subs will be the ones in the better install.
  5. Duran

    what size Q to get 12 or 15?

    An 8" woofer will play the exact same notes as an 18" woofer. Size does not matter, the only factor that changes is output. With an 18" woofer though it will play the same notes with less "work" vs. smaller woofers, making it sound less "sloppy".
  6. Duran

    12's or 10's

    Aaron I know your referring to my picture
  7. Duran

    New member introduction

    Welcome to SSA
  8. Duran

    Burning smell

  9. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Machine top!
  10. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Happy birthday Senior Boobies! Lucky there aint shit to eat here I do not need food. I...am...a MACHINE!
  11. Duran

    Black FiDay sale!

    It works and looks very cool!
  12. Duran

    Comment on sub & rides pages!

    you can help me commenting on rides pages, I know you love to post. I'm confused Mark, what do you mean? Oh and thanks for calling me a post whore!
  13. Duran

    Firefox and Opera

    I got the same as you chief. I'm rocking Bluefox
  14. Duran

    Comment on sub & rides pages!

    Good work Mark! Send me an XCON 12" and I'll get some experience so I can comment
  15. Duran

    I think I am screwed !

    Contact UPS about the mix up, they probably sent it back to Vegas.
  16. Duran


    "AudioControl's patented Bass Restoration Circuit (Patent #4,698,842) looks at the low frequency harmonics that are in upper frequencies and uses them to recreate the lower bass notes that have been rolled off or removed. There's a lot more to it, but what really matters is that AudioControl products with the Bass Restoration Circuit give you deep, body shuddering, heart-stopping bass!"
  17. Duran

    Introducing Supergauss

    Scott can these be mounted horizontally? With two motors I can't see how that's possible without the basket breaking.
  18. Duran

    I think I am screwed !

    You should probably contact whoever you had it sent too Make this known in your other thread too, you should have just posted this in your other thread.
  19. Duran

    WOW !!!!!

    You should be talking to UPS about this, not tarnishing Fi's reputation.
  20. Duran

    Icon demo today.

    If you liked Ernie's ICON 10's you should hear Mark's XCON 18's
  21. There will be no audible difference between amps, use whichever one you want.
  22. Duran

    12's or 10's

    You obviously haven't listened to my subwoofers.
  23. Duran

    Phone Support

    Now I can call you every day Mark!
  24. Duran

    New system in Maxima

    The ICONs have the ability to get the loudest.
  25. Duran

    12's or 10's

    Well if you have one btl on a SAZ-2000D, and you're adding another btl.... you can't power them both with the SAZ-2000D. Why not? x2. There's no such thing of underpowering a woofer.