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Everything posted by Duran

  1. DCON's perform much better ported than sealed.
  2. Duran

    Outrageous Deal | 4 - 6 pm EST | Tonight! 11-27-2011

    I got my email before it started, sounds like your problem is with your email provider.
  3. Duran

    SP4 now up!

    What does BTL stand for? Most of Scott's woofers stand for something. Society System Decontrol, Buzz Lightyear, I can't remember BTL.
  4. Duran

    SP4 now up!

    You may think that, but the BTL is by no means the first driver I would choose in a sound quality installation.
  5. Duran

    Outrageous Deal | 6-10pm EST | Tonight!

    I have a feeling if you see it, you'll know
  6. Duran

    SP4 now up!

    That would be a safe assumption.
  7. Duran

    Outrageous Deal | 6-10pm EST | Tonight!

    I'm sure its one heck of a deal!
  8. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Eating right is expensive, crap food is cheap.
  9. Duran

    suggestion on an amp,,,,

    Find out why your current amplifier is going into protect before you double the current draw.
  10. Duran

    Somebody just tried to break in my car

    What would a relay on your battery do for you if your car is bring broken into? Get an alarm, be sure to wire your trunk lid into it as well.
  11. Duran

    Earthquake Sound?

    You decided to get rid of your component set because the highs were too strong, and got supertweeters instead? I'm not seeing how that was a good thing. Why didn't you try to EQ the component tweeters?
  12. Duran

    Big Secret?

    Output, no. It makes a difference in mechanical stability. It's a worthwhile upgrade.
  13. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    It's a Japanese vehicle, lol
  14. Duran

    Fi btl n2 or AA Mayhem ?

    In ANY application, for example, an X can be 'better' than the SP4.
  15. Duran

    Big Secret?

    It adds coil linearity.
  16. Duran

    SP4 now up!

    So, what's 'SP4' stand for?
  17. Duran

    Check out my website

    The interwebz wouldn't be the interwebz without Flash, Apple needs to get with the times now that Jobs finally died. The site looks great.
  18. Duran

    fi q 12 passive radiator

    Perhaps you can answer a question for me Scott, why is twice the theoretical volume displacement recommended? It seems a waste of money and space to have that much displacement; wouldn't a PR that can displace an equal volume of air as the active radiator be minimum, and any extra displacement, such as extra PR, be beneficial, not required?
  19. Duran

    Can I edit my thread title

    A Super Moderator or Administrator will have to do it.
  20. Duran


    ok allmighty how much power do i have to each sub master duran please tell me because this is your setup and you no more about it than me You'll need to actually measure, not start making up numbers.
  21. Duran


    Voltage has nothing to do with you estimating power output...
  22. Duran


    thanx they sound very good very musical and louder than my skar 15 on the 1500 each sub is only getting like 150-200 watts tops but when i get these new batts each sub should be getting 300-350 each You really think that? Lol. yes i no this man You no that? Well I know you are taking a stab in the dark and assuming you are correct. It's funny.
  23. Duran


    thanx they sound very good very musical and louder than my skar 15 on the 1500 each sub is only getting like 150-200 watts tops but when i get these new batts each sub should be getting 300-350 each You really think that? Lol.
  24. Yes, when the amplifier tries to produce more power than you supply it you run into problems.
  25. Duran

    "Breaking In" of Subs.

    It depends on the driver(s) used and the type of suspension. 99% of woofers do not 'need' a break in, they do that every time you play them. That 1% of woofers you need to go easy on typically have a suspension so stiff it will tear the glue joints off.