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Everything posted by Duran

  1. Duran

    Hifonics ?

    Overseas, I know all the woofers are Chinese, not sure where overseas the amplifiers are from. Remember almost EVERYTHING is made overseas, even Sundown is made overseas.
  2. Duran

    whats your 9 to 5?

    AWESOME! Have any cool pics? I'd love to work on fighter planes, but that requires joining the military. I'll talk to my step brother about pictures for ya, he's a chief mechanic.
  3. Duran

    Team Decent Moneyman build

    Did you build it with too much volume? Using headrests for displacement
  4. Duran

    BTL problems

    Is the dust cap glue failing?
  5. Either go to a junk yard and get one to fiber glass over, or make a mold of your current panel.
  6. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Top 99 Most Desirable Women of 2010 - AskMen.com I'm pissed Alicia Keys isn't on there. She should be #1!
  7. Your correct, normally speakers in the dash are not a good idea, you'd be better off fiber glassing the mid next to the tweeter in the A-pillar.
  8. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Congrats ! Thanks Adrian I was wondering when you were gonna edit that post I am slow Failed ninja edit
  9. Duran

    whats your 9 to 5?

    Flying J truck stops??? I work for Pana-Pacific Corp. We supply several different types of electronics to Flying J. . . Brian That's the one I get called when electronics fail.
  10. Duran

    whats your 9 to 5?

    Ya know, I just realizes basshead made this thread. Congratulations on your first successful thread
  11. Duran

    love window tint

    What kind of idiot breaks into a car and takes the head unit when there is a $700 amp and two $350 subs in the back. If I was a criminal I'd at least steal the stuff worth stealing
  12. Duran

    Now Playing!

    Terminator 2: Judgment Day Damn I love this movie, growing up I would watch this movie EVERY night before bed or I wouldn't sleep.
  13. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    At least you quit! Hey what if you smoked for a few more year then decided to quit? The earlier the better If you don't wanna cough up your lungs you could stop breathing
  14. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Congrats ! Thanks Adrian I was wondering when you were gonna edit that post
  15. I'm curious who designed the enclosure....it looks familiar.
  16. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Thanks, just had orientation and a drug test today.
  17. Duran

    Galacticmonkey's Avalanche Build

    thats rough. i see an argument starting. I was getting ready to chop his head off and face fuck him
  18. Duran

    Project Warden.....Results

    VERY impressive for 26 Hz. Wow, a lot of people can't do that at 50+ Hz.
  19. Duran

    What's wrong with my sub?

    They use CA glue or epoxy (depending on company) on the triple joint. I'm willing to bet the coil destroyed itself then it came out of the gap and hit the top plate, can you look at it through the vents? Measure resistance as well.
  20. Don't make your enclosure too big so it cuts off air from the cabin, then you don't hear much bass at all.
  21. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    that's rough Who are you telling, feels like Im naked when Im driving around like Im missing something. Because you ARE missing something! I had a few good eargasms earlier
  22. Duran

    whats your 9 to 5?

    I just got hired as a Customer Care Consultant at the Flying J call center.
  23. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Thats what I need to do, get a job. Thats the main goal for this month and next month at the latest. You need monies for earsex! Among other things, but yes for earsex as well. Im loving that word, already used once and will have to store it in my vocabulary for future use (just letting you know ahead of time). Well there's earsex, earfucking, eargasm... At least my ears get laid.
  24. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

  25. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Did you buy their album? I loved that CD dearly for about 3 months. It kind of wore away at me after that. On a boat got too much play, so I would get all crabby about it. No, pff who buys music nowadays?! I do. I refuse to give a fuck about any artist who can only record songs worthwhile, if you can't make an album I am not interested. I was making a joke about illegal downloading, guess it wasn't that funny