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Everything posted by Duran

  1. Duran

    Songs to bump to

    Sorry to burst your bubble guys but we have this thread already. Please repost here.
  2. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Aaron's Sweet Ride Aaron I didn't see any SSA in the tunk?
  3. Duran

    Sundown SA-8 Pre-Sale

    When Jacob get's them in stock. He estimated late February.
  4. Duran

    Best Buy Bug Install

    Please tell me your not putting a 6x9 in that hole.
  5. Duran

    woot 100 POST!

    I find that offensive. I'm the post whore around here!
  6. It's just like a normal ported enclosure, just changing port length.
  7. Duran

    Team Decent Moneyman build

    Wow Dylan...amazing work yet again!
  8. Duran

    Road to 160db's!!!

    Mmmm long coils
  9. Duran

    woot 100 POST!

    The kids excited, I celebrated when I reached 1,000 posts.
  10. Duran

    Sundown 3kd

    well i guess u need to get someone to make u a Moderator.....but guess until then you have to read this post here We haven't gotten any new mods in a long time, don't count on it Julian OP:Good luck in your search.
  11. Duran

    Best Buy Bug Install

    I see them.
  12. Duran

    woot 100 POST!

    It's a momentous day in SSA history!! I'm almost to 100 posts
  13. Duran

    Subs where warm hint of smell.

    Is it possible to get another enclosure?
  14. Duran

    Help with 18" BL enclosure

    It's not cone size or the amplifier(unless the subsonic filter is preventing low frequency extension) that prevents the subwoofer from playing certain frequencies. The enclosure determines low frequency extension. If you want low frequencies tune ~30Hz. There are many people that can help you with an enclosure plan, myself included but I have several to design already, two companies have forums on here. BJ Fisher at www.fishercustoms.com and Trevor Komat at www.poundthatsound.com both design and make EXCELLENT enclosures.
  15. Duran

    Subs where warm hint of smell.

    how do i make them 100% effcient ? Also should i unscrew the subs to the box and check for burn marks ? or am i just asking for to much from two 12"s in a small sealed box. You cannon make them 100% efficient. If you want them more efficient port them, you will gain quite a bit of volume and it seems like that's what your after. Also, set your gains correctly, use this: How To: Set your Amplifier Gain - SSA Car Audio Forum
  16. You won't be able to do a hairtrick with that setup. If you want hairtricks get the most cone area that can fit in your truck and a sealed enclosure.
  17. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    It sounds like you should obey the law. no, it sounds like i need to slow the hell down, lol That's included in obeying the law...
  18. Duran

    Subs where warm hint of smell.

    You have power going through thin copper wire, there is resistance and that means they are not 100% efficient, that lost power is given off as heat. Be careful, you were reaching their thermal limits. in a sealed enclosure there is no air transfer so your coils burned more than you think. Don't play at that volume for such a long time or the next topic you make will say "My subs caught fire today "
  19. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    It sounds like you should obey the law.
  20. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Thats how ya do it!
  21. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Failed top!
  22. Duran

    Baton Rouge checking in...

    What the hell does red stuck mean? I know it's Louisiana.
  23. Like me When I said I cant speak on there products I was talking about Audioque's, guess I should of clarified that one. I use Sundown, only one amp from my signature for now that is installed. Sorry I thought you were talking about Sundown. Boo AQ